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Association of HLA and diseases is well known. Several population studies are available suggesting evidence of association of HLAs in more than 40 diseases. HLA found across various populations vary widely. Some of the reasons attributed for such variation are occurrence of social stratification based ...
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Accurate circular consensus long-read sequencing improves variant detection and assembly of a human genome 2019, Nature Biotechnology The cellosaurus, a cell-line knowledge resource 2018, Journal of Biomolecular Techniques HLA variation and disease 2018, Nature Reviews Immunology View all citing articles ...
TheriskofSJS/TENisestimatedtobeabout1to6per10,000newusersincountrieswithmainlyCaucasianpopulation.Theriskincreasesabout10timeshigheramongAsianCountriesVariationwithinAsiaExists Greaterthan15%ofthepopulationisreportedpositiveinHongKong,Thailand,MalaysiaandpartsofthePhilippinesSouthAsians,includingtheIndians,appear...
HLA variation and disease. Nat Rev Immunol. 2018;18(5):325–39. 2. Mahdi B. A glow of HLA typing in organ transplantation. Clin Transl Med. 2013;2(1):6. 3. Robinson J, Halliwell JA, McWilliam H, Lopez R, Marsh SGE. IPD - the Immuno polymorphism database. Nucleic Acids Res. ...
The risk increases about 10 times higher among Asian Countries Variation within Asia Exists Greater than 15% of the population is reported positive in Hong Kong, Thailand, Malaysia and parts of the Philippines South Asians, including the Indians, appear to have intermediate prevalence of HLA-B*...
nat med. 1996,2 :405-4103 handunnetthil,ramagopalan sv,ebersgc,et al.regulation of major histocompatib ility complex class ii gene expression, genetic variation and disease j.genes immun,2010,11 (2):99-112. de bakker piw,mc veang, sabeti pc,et al. a high resolution hla and snp ...
Fugger HLA variation and disease Nat Rev Immunol, 18 (5) (2018), pp. 325-339 CrossrefView in ScopusGoogle Scholar [34] S. Gonzalez, A.P. González-Rodríguez, B. Suárez-Álvarez, A. López-Soto, L. Huergo-Zapico, C. Lopez-Larrea Conceptual aspects of self and nonself ...