Type I IFN (IFN-I) increase the sensitivity of cells and mice to lethal infection with Listeria monocytogenes. Therefore the amount of IFN-I produced during infection might be an important factor determining Listeria virulence. Two commonly used strains of L. monocytogenes, EGD and LO28, were ...
Hashimoto, H., Ueda, R., Narumi, K., Heike, Y., Yoshida, T., Aoki, K. (2014) Type I IFN gene delivery suppresses regulatory T cells within tumors. Cancer Gene Ther. 21, 532-541.Hashimoto H, Ueda R, Narumi K, Heike Y, Yoshida T, Aoki K (2014) Type I IFN gene delivery ...
Type 1干扰素抗病毒作用机制 I 型干扰素包括IFNa和IFNb,可以发挥抗病毒作用。产生过程有差异:IRF3在细胞内以非磷酸化形式存在,只需被激酶磷酸化就可以诱导产生IFNb。而IRF7在细胞内不存在,所以需要很长时间产生,但可以诱导产生IFNa和IFNb。因此,感染后存在一个窗口期。 但也有例外,比如pDC,专职IFN产生细胞,可以比...
Loss of GM-CSF signalling or genetic susceptibility to TB (C3HeB/FeJ mice) result in type I IFN-induced neutrophil extracellular trap (NET) formation that promotes bacterial growth and promotes disease severity. Consistently, NETs are present in necrotic lung lesions of TB patients responding ...
iLite® Type I IFN Assay Ready Cells (BM3049) 由上海拜力生物科技有限公司供应,该产品简介:iLite® Type I IFN Assay Ready Cells (BM3049)
内容提示: Type I IFN family members: Similarity, differences and interactionMaria Rosaria Capobianchia, Elena Ulerib, Claudia Cagliotia, Antonina Doleib,*aLaboratory of Virology, National Institute for Infectious Diseases ‘‘L. Spallanzani’’, Via Portuense 292, Rome, ItalybDepartment of ...
I型干扰素(Type I Interferons, IFN-I)是一种具有强效抗病毒活性的细胞因子,同时也是免疫系统的重要调节分子,主要包括IFNα和IFNβ。I型干扰素相关疾病是近10年来提出的一组比较新的疾病,『Ⅰ型干扰素病的免疫学基础』https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MzkzNzIyNjUxOQ==&mid=2247490716&idx=1&sn=2bf790...
Type I IFN innate immune response to adeno- virus-mediated IFN-gamma gene transfer contributes to the regression of cutaneous lymphomas. J Clin Invest 2007; 117: 2834-2846 [PMID: 17823660 DOI: 10.1172/JCI32077]Type I IFN innate immune response to adenovirus-mediated IFN-gamma gene transfer ...
Our data indicated that both TRIM5γ and its BBox domain could interact with TRIM31 (Figures 7G and 7H) and form a TRIM31-TRIM5γ-HBx complex (Figure 7I). In addition, TRIM31 KO disrupted TRIM5γ-mediated inhibition of HBV (Figure 7J) and also inhibited the IFN-α-mediated ...
Upon recognition of viral components by pattern recognition receptors, including TLRs and retinoic acid-inducible gene I-like helicases, cells are activated to produce type I IFN, which plays key roles in host antiviral innate immune response. However, excessive IFN production may induce immune disor...