ROS turtlebot_follower :让机器人跟随我们移动 ROS turtlebot_follower 学习 首先在catkin_ws/src目录下载源码 了解代码见注释(其中有些地方我也不是很明白) follower.cpp #include <ros/ros.h> #include <pluginlib/class_list_macros.h> #include <nodelet/nodelet.h> #include <geometry_msgs/Twist.h> ...
#include"turtlebot_follower/FollowerConfig.h" #include namespaceturtlebot_follower { //Theturtlebotfollowernodelet. / Theturtlebotfollowernodelet.Subscribestopointclouds fromthe3dsensor,processesthem,andpublishescommandvel messages. / classTurtlebotFollower:publicnodelet::Nodelet { public: /! @briefTheconst...
在Turtlebot上,启动minimal.launch roslaunch turtlebot_bringup minimal.launch 手机上,启动android remocon App 手机上,在App连接Turtlebot 手机上,选择Android Pairing,显示可用的应用列表 手机上,选择Turtlebot Follower App,确认要启动 Turtlebot即启动自动跟随,人在走Turtlebot前来回移动,Turtlebot会跟随移动,往前走,Turtl...
Turtlebot_follower 使用记录 为了方便使用,我把turtlebot_apps 中的这个包拷贝到了我的工作目录中,直接编译即可 运行: roslaunch turtlebot_follower follower.launch 此外,这个包与一般ROS的包不太一样,其他的包中一般都有可执行文件,而这个包中的follower.cpp却是作为库文件加载进去。 add_library(${... ...
Turtlebot代码解读-turtlebot_apps-turtlebot_follower 说明 介绍turtlebot如何实现跟随 文件树及说明: ├── cfg │ └── Follower.cfg #Python脚本,动态配置参数├── CHANGELOG.rst ├── CMakeLists.txt ├── launch │ ├── follower.launch #启动跟随文件│ └── includes │ ├── safety_...
Turtlebot代码解读-turtlebot_apps-turtlebot_follower 说明 介绍turtlebot如何实现跟随 文件树及说明: ├── cfg │ └── Follower.cfg #Python脚本,动态配置参数 ├── CHANGELOG.rst ├── CMakeLists.txt ├── launch │ ├── follower.launch #启动跟随文件 ...
TurtleBot Follower (Hydro)最新版截图 # TurtleBot Follower (Hydro)最新版 Follower algorithm for TurtleBot. Follows humans and robots around by moving toward the centroid of a 3D pointcloud inside a box in front of the robot. This application just provides a convenient way to start/stop this ...
TurtleBot3 Description The wall-following behaviour makes the robot follow along the wall on its right-hand side. It is composed of three sections: Section 1: Follow the Wall Subscribe to the laser topic of the robot. /scan Publish to the velocity topic of the robot /cmd_vel Section 2:...
class TurtlebotFollower : public nodelet::Nodelet { public: /*! * brief The constructor for the follower. * Constructor for the follower. */ TurtlebotFollower<> : min_y_<0.1>, max_y_<0.5>, min_x_<-0.2>, max_x_<0.2>, max_z_<0.8>, goal_z_<0.6>, z_scale_<1.0>, x_scale_...
利用App来启动Turtlebot自动跟随 步骤 在Turtlebot上,启动minimal.launch roslaunch turtlebot_bringup minimal.launch 手机上,启动android remocon App 手机上,在App连接Turtlebot 手机上,选择Android Pairing,显示可用的应用列表 手机上,选择Turtlebot Follower App,确认要启动 ...