One of these identical tRNA Gly GCC genes was found to be expressed at a substantially greater efficiency than the other in a HeLa cell lysate in vitro transcription system. No similarity was detected in the nucleotide sequences flanking these genes other than the characteristic, 3' oligo[dT] ...
5’-tRF-GlyGCC在结直肠癌患者血浆中上调,并随着结直肠癌的进展和转移而升高。 收集16对肿瘤组织和血浆样本,验证5’-tRF-GlyGCC在CRC组织和相同患者血浆中的表达是否存在相关性。结果显示5’-tRF-GlyGCC在血浆中的表达与配对CRC组织中的表达显著相关(图2i)。提示血浆中5’-tRF-GlyGCC水平较高的患者在结直肠癌...
Here, we report that inositol-requiring enzyme 1α (IRE1α) cleaves the anticodon stem-loop region of tRNAGly(GCC)to produce 5′-tRHs (5′-tRH-GlyGCC) with highly selective target discrimination upon endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress. Levels of 5′-tRH-GlyGCCpositively affect cancer cell ...
测序结果显示,ESCC患者的外泌体中鉴定出1366个差异表达的 sesncRNA(不包括 miRNA)。挑选表达差异最显著的前五名sesncRNA进行表达检测验证,其中tRNA-GlyGCC-5和sRESE两者表达差异P值小于0.01。使用特异性的反义RNA进行转染,能显著抑制体外癌症细胞的多种恶性生物学行为。 图1 鉴定 ESCC 患者唾液外泌体中富含癌症的s...
In conclusion, i-tRF-GlyGCC assessment could aid towards personalized prognosis and support precision medicine decisions in EOC. Keywords: non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs); transfer RNAs; tRNA-derived small fragments (tsRNAs); tRFs; tRNA fragments; internal tRFs; itRF; molecular diagnostics...
Sekiya T, Kuchino Y, Nishimura S: Mammalian tRNA genes Nucleotide sequence of rat genes in tRNAAsp, tRNAGly and tRNAGlu. Nucleic Acids Res 9: 2239–2249 (1981). Google Scholar Sharp S, DeFranco D, Dingermann T, Farell P, Soll D: Internal control regions for transcription of eukaryotic...
5′-tRF-GlyGCCCRCALKBH3PlasmatRNA-derived small RNAsBackground tRNA-derived small RNAs (tDRs), which are widely distributed in human tissues including blood and urine, play an important role in the progression of cancer. However, the expression of tDRs in colorectal cancer (CRC) plasma and ...
Moreover, PARP9 expression was decreased in tRF-Gly-GCC antagomir treated group compared to control group.#Conclusions:In conclusion, tRF-Gly-GCC aggravated ischemic injury, suggesting that it may serve as a potential therapeutic target for cerebral ischemia.Wen Dong...
In the two-dimensinal 1H-15N heteronuclear multiple-quantum correlation (HMQC) spectrum, only the peak at 12 ppm was observed, and thus it was assigned to the imino proton of the 5′-terminal G of GGCUp interacting with tRNAGCCGly. Judging from the temperature effect and chemical shifts, ...