In the surface region of the c-ITO film with nano-scale surface roughness, there is a dark contrast, which we belive to be widened grain boundary or holes lefting after removal of the Ag atoms by the wet etchant. Figure 7a shows the J-V curves for the OSCs fabricated on the c-...
Owing to the ion etch-cleaning process prior to the duplex treatment and the gamma'/-Fe4N phase formed in the compound layer, the adhesion strength level of the TiN coating reaches HF1. The indentation profile analysis reveals that the nitriding process effectively increases the load-bearing ...
The consequences are that less HF molecules adsorbed on polar F-(101) planes and fewer atoms were supplied to the reactive K-(111) planes within a unit deposition time. All these could have promoted the growth of F-(101) planes and thus (110) PO. The present FTO films showed evident ...
Similarly, selective etching of a material in a presence of tin oxide refers to such etching of that material, where the ratio of an etch rate of that material to the etch rate of tin oxide is greater than one, and wherein tin oxide is exposed to the same etch chemistry as the etched...
HF and H.0 (with 1:1:1 molar fr actions).The hardness of the prep ared sintered samp les were m easured under a load of 9.8 N (HV S.1000.Huayin).The electrical resist iv it y w as m easured b y four—p o int pr ob e t ester ...
Ba2+ ions, which has been explained by quantum conductance through evidence of H2O2 aQrruaanngitnugmmcuoltni-dleuvecltIa-nVcceuravneds uHn2dOer2gsreandusainl RgEmSEeTchoaf vnoisltmag.e An interesting phenomenon is observed by ranging from −0.65 V to −1.05 V (Fig. 6). ...
XXRRDD(X(X-r-aryaydidffirfafrcaticotnio)np)apttaetrtnesrnosf tohfeth(ae) (Gaa) oGxaidoex,i(dbe);S(nb)oxSindeo,xaindde;(ca)nGda(:cS)nGoax:iSdne foixlmidse, rfielsmpse,crteivsepleyc.tively. Figure 5 shows the concentrations of electrons per unit volume and the Hall mobilities ...
(]]O22OOC}}2O2,, w2wPooru-uil)ld2d]2rrOeess}uu2l,lttwffrorooummldttrhheeesuaalddtddfriitotiimoonnatahllerreeaaadccdttiivvtiiottyynaoolffr5e5avvciitaaivttihhtyee oiinnfss5eerrvttiioaonnthooeffiCnCOsOe22rtiiinnottnoootthfheeCtOtww2ooinrreteommtaahiienniitnnwggonnrooenmnccaarirnbbioonn...
iimmppeeddaanncceespspecetcrturummofotfhethTeNTON/OC/sCamsapmlepslheoswheodwaefdreaqufreenqcuye-inncdye-pinednedpenent dcheanrt- cahctaerra, cintedri,ciantidnigcatthinatgitthatdietlehcatdroenlieccctoronndiuccctiovnitdyuwctiitvhitayhwigihthvaluheigohf 8v.a6l7u×e o1f0−8.367S·×cm1−0...
spFeicgturarel r4ebssphoonwses othf ethsepepchtroatlordeestpeocntosreuonf tdheerpahcootnosdteatnetctloigrhutnidnteernascitoynostfa1n.t0lVighbtiains.teTnhseity wdeooavffsfi1c∼w.e03ah5Vv0aedbnleimaansng,.taoThnbhdwveiatodhsuee∼vsr3iepc5seh0pohontanmodsc,iuvaarnintrydeonbwtthvaeiis...