A. et al. Unintentional F doing of SrTiO3 (001) etched in HF acid- structure and electronic properties. Surface Sci. 606, 554–558 (2012). Acknowledgements We thank J. Fleig, F. W. Poulsen, N. Bonanos, S. Stemmer and Y.Q. Li for helpful discussions. We also thank K. Thyde´...
r1f.ca4hb9rairWcaachtteedkrgiSs−tS1iDcws.iotThfhteahAecolA2rOrl2eO3s-pr3-eordneuddciunecdgedgprogawrpaehprehndeeennoesxoitixdyiedoehf y7hb8yr.b1ird2i5dS SWSDS Dko,gbF−t1ia.ginT. 6hehde power density of SSD increases up to 1.562 kW kg−1...
rIen tohf iscwonovrekn, ttihoenainl lemt eptrheasnsoulr eseyqnuthaelssitso r7e6a.c9t8orb airs acsotnhseiddeerseidg nine dthper persosuproeseodf cpornovceesnst imonoadleml. ethanol synthesis reactor is considered in the proposed process model. 66.2.2.....
HF solutions with different concentrations are diluted by HF (40% w/w) with a purity grade of AR. All concentrations mentioned are in molar per liter (mol/L). Several batch experiments of CHF and time is designed to achieve the etch rate and tad (as tabulated in Table 1). In this ...
rheeasetshweitIhGtZhOe inincrteearsfeadceS,iOa 2large amoduenptosoiftiohnydthriockgneensscbaencnaoutsemthoeveexiisntitnogtAhel-HIGbZonOd cishbarnonkeelns.anIdnsinidjeecttehdeinStioOth2 elaSyiOe2r, the hydrlaoygeernducorinntgetnhteodfetphoesiCtio-tnyspteepdaesvdicisecuisssmeducinhFhigiguh...
In addition, this process requires an additional, closely controlled, low rate O2 supply to keep the unwanted oxidation of hydrogen as low as possible [2,10]. Selective CO methanation is considered an attractive alternative to preferential CO oxidation for the removal of CO from H2 rich gases ...
TohfethaneoAdliacnpoedaekswAithaanndABl2fOor3 fpilumredAislpalraeyastt−h1a.1t 3thaendpe−a1k.0A6 Vanvds. BHsgh/HiftgeOd.pTohseitcivyecllyic, vaonldtatmhempoegarkasmsohfiftthme AorleasniogdneifwicaitnhtlayniAn lt2hOe3 pfiolmsitdiviespdlairyescttihoant wthiethptehaekinAcraenadsiBng...
3tTacatshnhsi5aees.n9o%flaunidd 2.5% higcohnecrenthtraantiotnhoosf e1.0atvtohl e%cwoansc8e.n9%traatniodn6s.4o%fh0i.g5hverotlh%anathnodse1o.5f tvhoel0%.5,vroels%p-eacntidv1e.l5y.voInl %th-Aelc2Oas3 e of the U-tube snoanlaorflcuoidllse,crteosrp, etchteivheliyg.hF...
abTysh-iesolbeenvtahatiainnnecgeddthpcehhFaoertrgomeaicnalerorvdieeelr.sdTedhniisssiptryelashuyalestsdthineppomosotierteinvtbieaalnstdloobipmeenpsdr,oinivnged, icating semiconductor properties with electrons as the majority carriers. Zr/HT exhibits a carrier density of 1.84 × 1020 cm−3, ...
In addition to protecting the internal Ni-rich core material from the HF attack in electrolytes as reported in the literature [29,41], the conformational and uniform Al2O3 coating also reduced the electrolyte decomposition induced by high oxidation of Ni3+/Ni4+ redox, especially under the ...