tilemap 是整个地图的封装,也是入口,实现手势识别,统筹各个 layer 并进行绘制。tilemap 本身不绘制任何东西,各个 layer 才是提供具体的绘制,layer 可以理解为图层。tilemap 是按顺序调用各个 layer 的 draw 方法: canvas-tilemap/src/tilemap.ts Lines 190 to 213 in 2ba0bc6 draw() { const now = Dat...
调试器没有输出,我中午查了不少资料,觉得可能是线程没有释放掉 西行寺小社 godot 1 我发了帖子,各位可以看看,学习指导一下https://blog.csdn.net/Q302652034/article/details/143466099?sharetype=blogdetail&sharerId=143466099&sharerefer=PC&sharesource=Q302652034&spm=1011.2480.3001.8118登录...
Java Kopieren public class CustomTileMapLayer extends MapLayer iOSobjectivec Kopieren @interface MSMapCustomTileMapLayer : MSMapLayer PropertiesBitmapRequestedCallback that is invoked when a map requests a tile map. The callback is responsible for providing the data back to the map synchronously....
top down 2d 如何防止角色走出tilemaplayer的地面 只看楼主 收藏 回复 Ryrlos 项目流程 2 现在我的想法是用terrain的地形+给地面加不同的物理碰撞,这样角色撞到边上的碰撞体就走不出去了。但有没有什么别的办法?难道要一直监测脚下的get_cell_source_id吗,还是有更巧妙的办法附我的terrain的地形+给地面加...
Tested versions 4.3 dev 6 System information windows 10 vulkan foward+ Issue description Everything disapears when changing from tileMap to tileMapLayer Steps to reproduce add tileMap node place tiles on Fayehs changetype tileMap node to...
objectivec @protocolMSMapCustomTileMapLayerDelegate<NSObject>- (void)customTileMapLayerOnBitmapRequestedAtX:(int)x y:(int)y zoom:(int)zoom completionHandler:(void(^)(NSData*data))completionHandler;@end See Also CustomTileMapLayer
Select General on the Map Tile Layer Properties dialog box to change display options. Unlike polygon, line, and point layers, you do not specify the spatial data for a tile layer. Tiles are automatically retrieved from Bing Maps Web Services when the following conditions are true:The...