Notice that in the data is produced from the main thread and not a created pthread, which makes me question if the pthread_mutex_t will actually work correctly on the push and pop. Thread Safe Queue #include <queue> #include <pthread.h> class ts_queue { private: std::queue<unsigned ch...
SafeQueue<MyType> queue;//insert elementsqueue.Produce(std::move(var1)); queue.Produce(std::move(var2)); Non-blocking consumer: SafeQueue<MyEvent> event_queue;//Game loopwhile(!quit) { MyEvent event;while(event_queue.Consume(event)) {//Process the event}UpdateWorld();Render(); } ...
classBQueue<T> { Condition isFullCondition; Condition isEmptyCondition; Locklock; intlimit; intcur = 0; Queue<T> q =newLinkedList<>(); publicBQueue() { this(Integer.MAX_VALUE); } publicBQueue(intlimit) { this.limit = limit;
However, using operating-system synchronization primitives to provide mutually exclusive access to nonthread-safe code has disadvantages. The circular buffer is a building block for the creation of the circular queue. the circular buffer finds its use in situation where a thread needs to keep track...
Thread Safe Concurrent Queue #include<queue>#include<pthread.h>classconcurrent_queue{private: std::queue<unsignedchar*> _queue_;pthread_mutex_tpush_mutex;pthread_mutex_tpop_mutex;pthread_cond_tcond;public:concurrent_queue() {pthread_mutex_init(&push_mutex,NULL);pthread_mutex_init(&pop_mutex,NU...
Thread-safe Queue java提供了两种thread-safe的类: BlockingQueue:阻塞队列: 入队操作: add(e): 在队列满的时候会报异常; offer(e): 不会报异常,也不会阻塞,返回值是boolean。即在队满的时候不会插入元素,而直接返回false; offer(e, timeout, unit): 可以设定等待时间; ...
简介:queue Thread-Safe FIFO Implementation queue: Thread-Safe FIFO Implementation This queue module provides a (FIFO) data structure suitable for multi-threaded programming. It can be used to pass messages or other data between producer and consumer threads safely. Locking is handled for the caller...
A simple thread-safe FIFO in C. Contribute to cgaebel/pipe development by creating an account on GitHub.
1.1 Basic FIFO Queue The Queue class implements a basic , container. Elements are added to one “end” of the sequence usingput(), and removed from the other end usingget(). The following is programming codes: import queue q = queue.Queue() ...
When an application is built with this macro defined, standard library routines used with string objects are thread safe. Ensuring thread safety of stream objects All classes declared in the iostream standard library are reentrant, and use a single lock to ensure thread-safety while preventing dead...