Notice that in the data is produced from the main thread and not a created pthread, which makes me question if the pthread_mutex_t will actually work correctly on the push and pop. Thread Safe Queue #include <queue> #include <pthread.h> class ts_queue { private: std::queue<unsigned ch...
publicBQueue(intlimit) { this.limit = limit; lock=newReentrantLock(); isFullCondition =lock.newCondition(); isEmptyCondition =lock.newCondition(); } publicvoidput (T t) { lock.lock(); try{ while(q.size() == limit) { try{
SafeQueue<MyType> queue;//insert elementsqueue.Produce(std::move(var1)); queue.Produce(std::move(var2)); Non-blocking consumer: SafeQueue<MyEvent> event_queue;//Game loopwhile(!quit) { MyEvent event;while(event_queue.Consume(event)) {//Process the event}UpdateWorld();Render(); } ...
However, using operating-system synchronization primitives to provide mutually exclusive access to nonthread-safe code has disadvantages. The circular buffer is a building block for the creation of the circular queue. the circular buffer finds its use in situation where a thread needs to keep track...
Thread Safe Concurrent Queue #include<queue>#include<pthread.h>classconcurrent_queue{private: std::queue<unsignedchar*> _queue_;pthread_mutex_tpush_mutex;pthread_mutex_tpop_mutex;pthread_cond_tcond;public:concurrent_queue() {pthread_mutex_init(&push_mutex,NULL);pthread_mutex_init(&pop_mutex,NU...
Since the counters are monotonic, you can make the operation thread-safe w/o imposing any significant costs. The idea is to grab a consistent snapshot of the 3 variables (memory fences are omitted): [cpp]size_t concurrent_queue_base_v3::internal_size() const { concurrent_queu...
A C++ library that provides utilities for managing thread-safe operations. This library is designed to simplify concurrent programming by offering easy-to-use and robust thread-safe abstractions. queuecppguardwaitnotifymutilthread UpdatedOct 30, 2024 ...
1.1 Basic FIFO Queue The Queue class implements a basic , container. Elements are added to one “end” of the sequence usingput(), and removed from the other end usingget(). The following is programming codes: import queue q = queue.Queue() ...
简介:queue Thread-Safe FIFO Implementation queue: Thread-Safe FIFO Implementation This queue module provides a (FIFO) data structure suitable for multi-threaded programming. It can be used to pass messages or other data between producer and consumer threads safely. Locking is handled for the caller...
The macro can be defined within the source code or with a DEFINE('__MULTI__') parameter on the CRTCPPMOD or CRTBNDCPP command. When an application is built with this macro defined, standard library routines used with string objects are thread safe. ...