* */template<typenameT>classthreadsafe_queue{private:// data_queue访问信号量mutable std::mutex mut;mutable std::condition_variable data_cond;using queue_type=std::queue<T>;queue_type data_queue;public:using value_type=typename queue_type::value_type;using container_type=typename queue_type::co...
threadsafe_queue.hpp #ifndef_FREDRIC_THREAD_SAFE_QUEUE_HPP_#define_FREDRIC_THREAD_SAFE_QUEUE_HPP_#include<mutex>#include<string>#include<queue>#include<memory>#include<atomic>#include<condition_variable>#include<exception>template<typenameT>classthreadsafe_queue{private:structnode{std::shared_ptr<T>da...
使用右值引用实现线程安全的数据传递 (Implementing Thread-Safe Data Transfer with Rvalue References) 以下是一个使用右值引用实现线程安全数据传递的示例: #include <iostream> #include <queue> #include <mutex> #include <condition_variable> #include <thread> class ThreadSafeQueue { public: void push(std:...
priority_queue vector + max-heap 插入、删除 O(log2n) 有序 可重复 vector容器+heap处理规则 set 红黑树 插入、删除、查找 O(log2n) 有序 不可重复 multiset 红黑树 插入、删除、查找 O(log2n) 有序 可重复 map 红黑树 插入、删除、查找 O(log2n) 有序 不可重复 multimap 红黑树 插入、删除...
crate::sys::thread_local::destructors::run(); crate::rt::thread_cleanup(); } } } 6 changes: 4 additions & 2 deletions 6 library/std/src/sys/sync/rwlock/queue.rs Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change @@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ use crate::mem; use crate::ptr::...
[rid].state_ = RIDLockState::UNLOCKED;这行代码执行完毕后,这个RID的KV Pair已经存放在了这个unordered_map里面,然后我们拿到更细粒度的锁lock_table_[rid].queue_latch_,就可以释放掉latch_了,因为虽然后续的代码会访问lock_table_里的LockRequestQueue,但由于对应的RID均已经存在,因此这些操作应该看做是对lock...
To use locks (std::mutex,std::shared_timed_mutex,spinlock…) – they admit 1 thread, one by one, to the locked code, so the problem of data-races does not arise and we can use arbitrary complex logic by using any normal not thread-safe objects. ...
Let’s just take our implementation ofstd::vector, add a mutex and put a lock around the implementation of every method. We might argue that the vector is now “thread safe”. Depending on our definition of “thread safe”, we might even be correct. What we have not done is create so...
在Rust源代码的"rust/library/std/src/sys/sgx/thread.rs"文件中,定义了一些与线程相关的结构体和函数。该文件主要用于支持在Intel Software Guard Extensions(SGX)环境中的线程操作。 下面对于这些结构体的作用进行详细介绍: Thread(task_queue::JoinHandle):在SGX环境下,表示一个线程。它包含了一个task_queue::Jo...
Alternatively (and I'd generally prefer this) you could have your multiple thread just put their data into a thread-safe queue, and have a single thread that gets data from that queue and puts it into the map. Since it's single-threaded, you no longer have to lock the map when its ...