peek(): 不报异常也不阻塞,返回boolean; BlockingQueue接口的具体实现类: ArrayBlockingQueue:构造函数必须带int参数以指明大小; LinkedBlockingQueue:若其构造函数带一个规定大小的参数,生成的BlockingQueue有大小限制,若不带大小参数,所生成的BlockingQueue的大小由Integer.MAX_VALUE来决定; PriorityBlockingQueue:其所含...
privateBQueue data; publicProducer(BQueue data, String name) { = data; this.setName(name); } @Override publicvoidrun() { for(inti=0; i<100 && data.cur < data.limit; i++) { data.put(data.cur); data.cur++; System.out.println(currentThread().getName() +" "+ data....
Notice that in the data is produced from the main thread and not a created pthread, which makes me question if the pthread_mutex_t will actually work correctly on the push and pop. Thread Safe Queue #include <queue> #include <pthread.h> class ts_queue { private: std::queue<unsigned ch...
This new requirement precludes the use of the circular queue that only allows constant time deletions from one end of the queue. A more appropriate solution is to use an STL container such as a list. However, this solution would incur a hig...
queue: Thread-Safe FIFO Implementation This queue module provides a (FIFO) data structure suitable for multi-threaded programming. It can be used to pass messages or other data between producer and consumer threads safely. Locking is handled for thecaller, so many threads can work with the same...
简介:queue Thread-Safe FIFO Implementation queue: Thread-Safe FIFO Implementation This queue module provides a (FIFO) data structure suitable for multi-threaded programming. It can be used to pass messages or other data between producer and consumer threads safely. Locking is handled for the caller...
SafeQueue<MyType> queue;//insert elementsqueue.Produce(std::move(var1)); queue.Produce(std::move(var2)); Non-blocking consumer: SafeQueue<MyEvent> event_queue;//Game loopwhile(!quit) { MyEvent event;while(event_queue.Consume(event)) {//Process the event}UpdateWorld();Render(); } ...
Thread Safe Concurrent Queue #include<queue>#include<pthread.h>classconcurrent_queue{private: std::queue<unsignedchar*> _queue_;pthread_mutex_tpush_mutex;pthread_mutex_tpop_mutex;pthread_cond_tcond;public:concurrent_queue() {pthread_mutex_init(&push_mutex,NULL);pthread_mutex_init(&pop_mutex,NU...
the target function for the threads is defined, the worker threads can be started. Whendownload_enclosures()processes the statementurl=q.get(), it blocks and waits until the queue has something to return. That means it is safe to start the threads before there is anything in the queue ...
m_Queue =newQueue<T>(collection); } This next function is probably the most important one. TheGetEnumerator()is used duringForEachloops, and returns the next item in the collection. Following Microsoft's example of a thread-safe enumerator, we first get a copy of the current containerQueue...