这为作者后续研究特定基因在THP-1细胞中的 inacuteandchronicmyeIoidIeukemiacelllines.Genomics 功能奠定了基础 。 ProteomicsBioinofrmatics.2014;12(2):79-91. 【11】TrojanowiczB.UlrichC,SeibertE。eta1.UremicConditions DriveHumanMonocytestoPro-AtherogenicDifferentiation 孝贡盾 设计、实施、评估者均为本文...
N A Re, I M Carr, etc. Standardized protocols for differentiation of THP-1 cells to macrophages...
[2]Bile acid metabolites control TH17 and Treg cell differentiation.[J].Hang Saiyu,Paik Donggi,Yao Lina,Kim Eunha,Trinath Jamma,Lu Jingping,Ha Soyoung,Nelson Brandon N,Kelly Samantha P,Wu Lin,Zheng Ye,Longman Randy S,Rastinejad Fraydoon,Devlin A Sloan,Krout Michael R,Fischbach Michael A,...
Treatment with high-dose PMA with RANKL and MCSF enabled the THP-1 cells to form tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase-positive osteoclasts, which were able absorb bone in a bone resorption test. Treatment with low-dose PMA with RANKL and MCSF failed to induce THP-1 cell differentiation into ...
THP-1: human acute monocytic leukemia Origin: established from the peripheral blood of a 1-year-old boy with acute monocytic leukemia (AML) at relapse in 1978; the cells can be used for induction of differentiation studies; the cells were described to produce lysozyme and to be phagocytic; ...
3) human monocytic THP1 cells 人单核细胞系THP1细胞 4) MCP-1 人单核细胞趋化蛋白-1 5) monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 人单核细胞趋化因子-1 6) Inducing differentiation 人单核细胞白血病细胞系SHI-1 参考词条 人单核细胞白血病细胞-1照明风格Muitigen Creator ...
THP-1:humanacutemonocyticleukemia Origin:establishedfromtheperipheralbloodofa1-year-oldboywithacutemonocyticleukemia(AML)atrelapsein1978;thecellscanbeusedforinductionofdifferentiationstudies;thecellsweredescribedtoproducelysozymeandtobephagocytic;carriest(9;11)(p21;q23)leadingtoMLL-AF9fusiongene ...