内容提示: THEORY OFPLATES AND SHELLSS. TIMOSHENKOProfessor Emeritus of Engineering MechanicsStanford UniversityS. WOINOWSKY-KRIEGERProfessor of Engineering MechanicsLaval UniversitySECOND EDITIONMCGRAW-HILL BOOK COMPANYAuckland Bogota Guatemala Hamburg LisbonLondon Madrid Mexico New Delhi Panama Paris San Juan...
Theory of Plates and Shells By Prof. S. Timoshenko. (Engineering Societies Monographs.) Pp. xii + 492. (New York and London: McGraw–Hill Book Co., Inc., 1940.) 42s.
Plates and shells are solids with one dimension -the thickness (h)- much smaller than the other two dimensions. When the mid-thickness surface (S) is contained in a plane, such solids are called plates, otherwise they areshells. Plates were studied in chapters 5 and 6 for bending and 7 ...
N. (1970) Theory of Elasticity, 3rd edn. McGraw-Hill, NY. Google Scholar Timoshenko, S. and Woinowsky-Krieger, S. (1959) Theory of Plates and Shells, 2nd edn. McGraw-Hill, NY. Google Scholar Reissner, E. (1944) On the theory of bending of elastic plates. Journal of Mathematical...
S. Lukasievic Local Loads on Plates and Shells North Holland, Warszawa-Leiden (1979) Google Scholar 27. S. Timoshenko, S. Voinovski-Krieger Theory of Plates and Shells McGraw-Hill, New York (1959) Google Scholar Cited by (6) A hierarchical wavelet method for nonlinear bending of materially...
PDF Tools Share Abstract The static and dynamic stability of the composite beam with a single delamination are investigated using the Timoshenko beam theory. The mechanical model is discretized using the finite element method and the equation of motion is obtained using Hamilton’s principle. The coe...
Application of the hamilton formalism in a timoshenko-type theory of vibrations of platesShul'ga, M. O.JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES -NEW YORK-
Interaction forces between the fiber and the binder are taken into account within the limits of the theory of ideal adhesion interactions. A generalization of the Timoshenko theory of plates taking into account the adhesive properties of face surfaces is suggested....
By an asymptotic method the solution of boundary value problems of elasticity theory for isotropic, anisotropic, layered beams, plates and shells is built. The first, second and the mixed boundary problems for one-layered and multy-layered beams, plates and shells are solved. The asymptotic method...
An integral variant of geometrically nonlinear relations of the dynamic theory of plates of Timoshenko's type in non-orthogonal curvilinear system of coordinates is obtained in the work. The role of unknown functions describing the stress-strained state of plates belong a here to normal and tangent...