内容提示: THEORY OFPLATES AND SHELLSS. TIMOSHENKOProfessor Emeritus of Engineering MechanicsStanford UniversityS. WOINOWSKY-KRIEGERProfessor of Engineering MechanicsLaval UniversitySECOND EDITIONMCGRAW-HILL BOOK COMPANYAuckland Bogota Guatemala Hamburg LisbonLondon Madrid Mexico New Delhi Panama Paris San Juan...
In this paper a theoretical approach to multilayered shell and plate analysis based on a kinematical model with six degrees of freedom is presented. The theory has been confirmed by some numerical examples. From these we draft the following conclusions: 1. The theory proposed for laminates can...
http://shellbuckling/papers/shellbucklingrefs.docx Thismeansthatyoucanalwaysfindadocumentyouhave...TimoshenkoandJ.Gere,TheoryofElastic...TheoryofElasticStability,J.Wiley... DesignofCold-formedsteelframeshastraditionallybeen... http://ceeserver.cee.cornell.edu/tp26/TWResearchGroup/tpadd/rack%20January...
Zhang Y X, Bradford M A, and Gilbert R I 2007, A layered shear-flexural plate/shell element using Timoshenko beam functions for nonlinear analysis of reinforced concrete plates, Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 43 888Zhang, Y.X., Bradford, M.A. & Gilbert, R.I. 2007. A lay- ...
small compared to the linear stiffness of the foundation, the evolutionary equation is a modified Ostrovsky equation with an additional third-order nonlinear term. For the evolutionary equation, exact soliton solutions are found from the class of stationary waves in the form of a kink and an anti...
The following article presents the elaboration and results obtained from a 3D finite element, of the 8-node hexahedron type with 6 degrees of freedom (DOF) per node (48 DOF per element) based on third degree Hermitian polynomials, and of a 2-node structu