2.13LimitationsontheApplicationofthe DerivedFormulas...47 2.14ThermalStressesinPlateswithClamped Edges...49 3.SymmetricalBendingofCircularPlates...51 3.15DifferentialEquationforSymmetrical BendingofLaterallyLoadedCircular Plates...51 3.16UniformlyLoadedCircularPlates...54 3.17CircularPlatewithaCircularHoleatthe Cen...
Theory of Plates and Shells (2nd Edition) 热度: Theory of Plates and Shells (2nd Edition).pdf 热度: 阻抗谱,理论实验与应用 Impedance Spectroscopy, Theory Experiment and Applications Second Edition - Evgenij Barsoukov, J. Ross Macdonald
内容提示: THEORY OFPLATES AND SHELLSS. TIMOSHENKOProfessor Emeritus of Engineering MechanicsStanford UniversityS. WOINOWSKY-KRIEGERProfessor of Engineering MechanicsLaval UniversitySECOND EDITIONMCGRAW-HILL BOOK COMPANYAuckland Bogota Guatemala Hamburg LisbonLondon Madrid Mexico New Delhi Panama Paris San Juan...
THEORY OFPLATES AND SHELLSS. TIMOSHENKOProfessor Emeritus of Engineering MechanicsStanford UniversityS. WOINOWSKY-KRIEGERProfessor of Engineering MechanicsLaval UniversitySECOND EDITIONMCGRAW-HILL BOOK COMPANYAuckland Bogota Guatemala Hamburg LisbonLondon Madrid Mexico New Delhi Panama Paris San JuanSSo Paulo Si...
经典力学图书推荐·《Theory of Plates and Shells》如果你对板壳结构的力学行为感兴趣,或者正在研究结构力学,那么Timoshenko和Woinowsky-Krieger合著的经典力学著作——《Theory of Plates and Shells》绝对是你不可错过的一本书!🔧 📖 内容精要:这本书首次出版于1959年,深刻影响了结构力学领域,尤其是板壳...
摘要: Both fluids (gases and liquids) and solids (rods, slabs and blocks) are taken into account. Molecular procedure is mentioned first. The main part of this paper is concentrated on continuum mechanics.关键词: Elastic plates and shells ...
ISBN:9780070858206 豆瓣评分 目前无人评价 丛书信息· ··· McGraw-Hill Classic Textbook Reissue Series(共2册), 这套丛书还有 《The Fourier Integral and Its Applications (Classic Textbook Reissue Series)》。 我要写书评 Theory of Plates and Shells (McGraw-Hill Classic Textbook Reissue Series)的书评...
Theory of plates and shells: new trends and applications : International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical SimulationIgor V. AndrianovJan AwrejcewiczTIMOSHENKO S., WOINOWSKY-KRIEGER S. (1959). Theory of Plates and Shells. McGraw-Hill, New York, 580p....
THEORYANDANALYSIS OFELASTICPLATES ANDSHELLS SecondEdition TheoryandAnalysisof ElasticPlatesandShells SecondEdition J.N.Reddy DistinguishedProfessorand HolderoftheOscarS.WyattEndowedChair DepartmentofMechanicalEngineering TexasA&MUniversity,CollegeStation Texas,USA77843—3123 “Whenceallcreationhaditsorigin, he,wheth...
Mcgraw-Hill Engineering Societies Monographs(共4册),这套丛书还有 《Theory of Elasticity》《Applied hydro- and aeromechanics》《Theory of Elastic Stability》。 我来说两句 短评 ··· ( 全部1 条 ) 热门 1 有用 gyyabcdef 2016-06-29 10:56:51 经典老书了,介绍了圆形、矩形平板/壳体的弯曲...