THEORY OFPLATES AND SHELLSS. TIMOSHENKOProfessor Emeritus of Engineering MechanicsStanford UniversityS. WOINOWSKY-KRIEGERProfessor of Engineering MechanicsLaval UniversitySECOND EDITIONMCGRAW-HILL BOOK COMPANYAuckland Bogota Guatemala Hamburg LisbonLondon Madrid Mexico New Delhi Panama Paris San JuanSSo Paulo ...
Nolde. On timoshenko-reissner type theories of plates and shells. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 30, 1993.Gol'denveizer, AL, Kaplunov, JD, and Nolde, EV. On Timoshenko-Reissner type theories of plates and shells. Int J Solid Struct 1993; 30: 675-694....
N. (1993). Mechanics of Laminated Composite Plates and Shells: Theory and Analysis. CRC Press. 5. Dowell, E. H. (1981). Approximate analysis of elastic and inelastic structural behavior using structural models. AIAA Journal, 19(4), 405-413. 6. 刘松林, 陈家宝, & 朱迪平. (2016). 粘...
本人电子学科的,最近看了一些资料,Theory of Plates and Shells。发现铁大侠在圆薄板弯曲方面也有很大...
Timoshenko’s main works dealt with the mechanics of deformed bodies and structural analysis. He carried out a series of studies on the bending, twisting, vibration, and impact loading of rods and on the theory of thin plates and shells. He solved the problem of stress concentration near holes...
Static inconsistencies in certain axiomatic higher-order shear deformation theories for beams, plates and shells. Compos Struct, 2015, 120: 231–245 14 Lou J, He L, Du J. A unified higher order plate theory for functionally graded microplates based on the modified couple stress theory. Compos ...
ELASTIC plates & shellsA thin plate fabricated of material that is transversally isotropic and nonuniform in thickness is considered. The model of the monolayer transversally homogeneous isotropic plate, which is approximately equivalent to a thickness-nonuniform plate in the deflection and in the ...
8)铁摩辛柯的Theory of Plates and Shells,最新版是出自1959年的第二版。这里给出的中文本就是根据这一版翻译的。目前,这个版本的英文电子版网上能找到清晰的PDF,将近21M(下面我将提供这个版本)。 9)铁摩辛柯的Theory of Elasticity,最新版是1970年出的第三版,这里提供的中文本就是依据这个版本翻译的。目前网络...
and Professors Karan Surana of University of Kansas and Debasish Roy of the Indian Institute of Science. The first one is a continuation of many years of my work on shear deformation theories of plates and shells to develop locking-free shell elements for large deformation analysis of laminated ...
V. V. Bolotin and Yu. N. Novikov, Mechanics of Multilayered Structures Mashinostroenie Moscow [in Russian] (1990). Google Scholar N. A. Alfutov, P. A. Zinov'ev, and B. G. Popov, Analysis of Multilayered Plates and Shells made from Composite Materials [in Russian], Mashinostroenie...