DNA Damage Response DNA Repair Homologous Recombination Radiation Biology RNA-binding Proteins ATM Fused in Sarcoma PARP Introduction Exposure to genotoxic agents including ionizing radiation (IR),2 H2O2, and radiomimetic drugs poses a significant challenge to genomic integrity that is combated by evoluti...
C. Inhibition of RNA polymerase II as a trigger for the p53 response. Oncogene 18, 583–592 (1999). CAS PubMed Google Scholar Wold, M. S. Replication protein A: a heterotrimeric, single-stranded DNA-binding protein required for eukaryotic DNA metabolism. Annu. Rev. Biochem. 66, 61–92...
We will explore how these new findings challenge the idea of proteins being the sole participants in the response to DNA damage and reveal a new and exciting aspect of both DNA repair and RNA biology. Cell Death and Differentiation (2017) 24, 580–587; doi:10.1038/cdd.2017.16; published ...
the transcriptional response to damage is primarily hardwired in the damaged genomic DNA, and transcription shut down can be explained almost completely by: 1) Aborted transcription by blocked RNA polymerases and 2) Ubiquitination and degradation of RNA Polymerase II after encountering a damage.doi...
The parvovirus minute virus of mice modulates the DNA damage response to facilitate viral replication and a pre-mitotic cell cycle block Recently, it has become appreciated that viruses, both DNA and RNA, can induce the DDR and have evolved the ability to interact with this ancient ... MS Fu...
DNA repair events have functional significance especially for genome stability. Although the DNA damage response within the whole genome has been extensively studied, the region-specific characteristics of nuclear sub-compartments such as the nucleolus or fragile sites have not been fully elucidated. Here...
In total, 253,869 transcripts were retained to form a reference transcriptome for RNA-sequencing data analysis. Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes pathway enrichment analysis of differentially expressed genes revealed the plant-pathogen interaction pathway to be the main resistance-related pathway ...
B-CD69 subtypes highly express CD69, and a single-cell RNA sequencing study of melanoma tissues revealed that CD69 + B cells were associated with the tumor response to immune checkpoint inhibitors. Of interest, B-IL4R subtypes highly expressed mature B-cell characteristic genes (IGHD) ...
Ect2 is a BRCT-containing guanidine exchange factor for Rho GTPases. It is essential for cytokinesis and is also involved in tumorigenesis. Since most BRCT-containing proteins are involved in DNA damage response and/or DNA repair, we tested whether Ect2
The human long non-coding RNA-RoR is a p53 repressor in response to DNA damage. Cell Res. 2013, 23, 340-350.Zhang A, Zhou N, Huang J, Liu Q, Fukuda K, Ma D, Lu Z, Bai C, Watabe K, Mo YY: The human long non-coding RNA-RoR is a p53 repressor in response to DNA damage...