The number of averaged point for each frequency step was n = 300. Provided that the excursion δf is larger than the true resonance width, we assume that data can be fitted with the following function: $${\mathrm{\Gamma }}_{\mathrm{R}} = \frac{{1 + A_1L\left( {f;f_{{\...
Recent data points to a troubling rise in homelessness in the U.S., as 2024 marked a record high for the number of people who were without permanent shelter on a single night in 2024. The U.S. homeless population rose to more than 771,000 on a single night counted in late January 2...
The year 2023 marks the mid-point of the 15-year period envisaged to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, targets for global development adopted in September 2015 by all United Nations Member States. To help track where we are on this journey, and to amplify success stories, in this ...
lasswells maximkt last a lifetime last bottom centerlin last breakthrough last but two last call received last call recevied last calls made last command post ban last concert of elvis last cry last day in singapore last edit last engulfing last finally last fragment last haunted gold min last...
from a business stand from a distance you l from age from all of us in sal from all the truth th from among out of from angel island to from beginning to end from being larger from bejeweled weepin from bolivia from both yet cannot from childhood to ado from clouds from cradle to gra...
(Dalian University of Technology) Abstract: Abstract: Due to the special shape, the force characteristics of curved beam bridges are different from ordinary straight beam bridges, which have higher requirements on the supporting system and tend to generate larger bearing reaction forces under ...
Find all files larger than 20M find / -type f -size +20M Find duplicate files (based on MD5 hash) find -type f -exec md5sum '{}' ';' | sort | uniq --all-repeated=separate -w 33 Change permission only for files cd /var/www/site && find . -type f -exec chmod 766 {} \;...
we evaluate the costs of association for female orangutans with both females and males at two study sites, Suaq (P. abelii, Sumatra) and Tuanan (P. pygmaeus, Borneo) using behavioral and endocrine data. Because of large within-species variation in terms of their socioecology (e.g., Vogel...
Now,people realize that as climate change is raising global temperatures,more icebergs are being born.Antarctica creates far more of them than Greenland,the source of bergs in Arctic waters.Antarctica's are also much larger,sometimes reaching the size of small countries.Recent data show the averag...
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