Two angles are said to be supplementary if they add up to 180 degrees and so make a straight angle. So the supplement of a given angle is obtained by subtracting it from 180.Answer and Explanation: Let us assume the angle to be x. Since...
2d) (Supplementary Movie 1). Lift and drag provide both weight support and braking forces The net aerodynamic forces produced by the birds tend to have larger vertical components for supporting bodyweight during slow flight. However, horizontal forces in the birds’ flight direction are still ...
3b) for the preferred two-fault model. The model region extends across the North Pacific Ocean with increasing resolution in nested grids around the tide gauges at Sand Point and King Cove, Alaska and Kahului and Hilo, Hawaii (Supplementary Fig. 7). Despite the consistency with the seismic ...
Shelter availability in coral reefs is also determined by the structures of dead coral colonies, the caverns or interstices in the reef matrix, and at larger scales, by the spurs and grooves, fissures, walls and reef slopes (Friedlander and Parrish, 1998). Vegetative components, such as erect...
what is the measure of angle e? An angle is equal to one-third of its complement's. What is the angle? The second angle of a triangle is three times as large as the first. The third angle is 20 degrees larger than the sum of the first two. What are the...
To bridge the gap, this paper reveals the coupled effect of the GSD and ambient environments (i.e. slope angles and saturation conditions) on avalanche/debris flows’ impact on the slit dam using a Computational Fluid Dynamics/Discrete Element Method (CFD–DEM) model. To describe strain-...
Palinspastic map reconstructions and plate motion studies reveal that switches in subduction polarity and the opening of slab gaps beneath the Alps and Din
The data were analyzed to make sure that a good number of data exist in all epicentral distance ranges and propagation angles. Most discarded data were from epicentral distances less than 165° at intermediate values of ξ, as these geometries typically have a larger number of data. We noted ...
The gap between data and interpretation is that the ratio of LCP to HCP has considerable diversity, and the absolute errors of the results are larger than 10%. Therefore, standard calibration in data processing methods with lunar terrestrial analogs is necessary to better interpret the Yutu-2 ...
We have tried to estimate the deff for large crystals using Midwinter et al.’s method [47] and obtained a maximum value of ~168.7 pm/V at 𝜃θ = 0.0° and φ = 45.0° at ω = 1910 nm, which is larger than the powder 𝑑𝑝𝑒𝑓𝑓deffp. Using the deff and the ...