We give the extension of the free field representation of SU(2)WZNW model conformal blocks to an arbitrary Riemann surface. In particular, we avoid the problems associated with the vertex corresponding to the dual of a given representation - namely that it does not transform as the appropriate ...
We consider an action of SU(2) on the spacePof2×2complex matrices given by multiplication on the left. Geometric quantization of this action gives rise to a unitary representationUof SU(2) on a Hilbert spaceHof holomorphic functions of four complex variables. For each quantizable co‐adjoint...
We employ a heat kernel expansion to derive an effective action that describes four dimensional SU(2) Yang-Mills theory in the infrared limit. Our result supports the proposal that at large distances the theory is approximated by the dynamics of knotted string-like fluxtubes which appear as soli...
Object recognition in the natural world usually occurs in the presence of multiple surrounding objects, but responses of neurons in inferotemporal (IT) cortex, the large brain area responsible for object recognition, have mostly been studied only to isol
Certain incremental path-independent integrals, of relevance in the mechanics of fracture of elastic-plastic materials described by a classical flow theory of plasticity, are presented. Both quasi-static as well as dynamic fracture situa... SN Atluri,T Nishioka,M Nakagaki - 《Engineering Fracture ...
Transient simulation using discrete-time representation of generalized frequency-dependent permittivity Transient simulation using discrete-time representation of generalized frequency-dependent permittivitysimulationFDTDpermittivitydispersiveconvolutiontransient... Z Su,TJ Brazil,X Yin - Workshop on Integrated ...
The global PA network has been growing steadily in number and extent, which confirms government commitments to conservation of natural ecosystems. To improve the status of biodiversity, the Aichi Biodiversity Target 11 was set to protect at least 17% of terrestrial and inland water and 10% of co...
The representation theories of the SU(2)k-extended N=4 superconformal algebras (SCA's) with arbitrary level k are developed, based on their Feigin-Fuchs representations found recently by the present author. A basic unit of the representation blocks consisting of eight "boson-like" and eight "...
When regulating the model of democracy and the mechanisms of citizen participation, the Constitution of 1978 was conformist and prudent. It established a model of representative democracy based on the possibility of electing representatives every four years, but without special formulas of control and ...
aCollectivized agriculture was heavily mechanized and did turn the SU into one of the world’s largest cereal producers, although cases of bad harvests did force the SU to import 集体化的农业沉重机械化了和把SU变成其中一个世界的最大的谷物生产商,虽然坏收获盒强迫SU进口[translate] ...