We rewrite the two-dimensional SU(2)$imes$ SU(2) chiral spin model in terms\nof SO(3) and {\\bf Z}$_2$ degrees of freedom. The transformation, which is\nmotivated by a similar representation of the corresponding lattice gauge theory\nin higher dimensions, exhibits the presence of ...
┣ 即对 \[\forall \mathcal{R}\in \text{SO}\left( 3 \right)\] 都\[\exists U\in \text{SU}\left( 2 \right)\] 使得\[D\left( U \right)=D\left( -U \right)=\mathcal{R}\]. ┣ 很显然[14]同态核 \[\ker D=\left\{ {{1}_{2\times 2}},-{{1}_{2\times 2}} \...
We consider the Feigin-Fuchs-Felder formalism of the SU(2)ku00d7SU(2)l/SU(2)k+l coset minimal conformal field theory and extend it to higher genus. We investigate a double BRST complex with respect to two compatible BRST charges, one associated with the parafermion sector and the other...
We demonstrate a model which captures certain attractive features of SU(5) theory, while providing a possible escape from proton decay. In this paper we sh
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Motivated by the recent Super-Kamiokande experiment on atmospheric and solar neutrino oscillation we propose a see-saw model of three generations of neutrinos based on the gauge group $SU(2)_{L}\times U(1)_{Y}$ with discrete symmetries $(S_{3} \times D)$ and three right handed singlet...
Is $mathrm{SU}(2)ensuremath{bigotimes}mathrm{SU}(2)$ a Better Symmetry than SU(3)? Using the $ensuremath{pi}N$ phase shifts and fixed-$t$ dispersion relations we have calculated (to first order in symmetry breaking) the nucleon matrix element of the current algebra "sigma" term, and...
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A calculation of the ‖ε'/ε‖ ratio in electroweak models based on SU(2)L×SU(2)R×U(1) is presented. We show that there is a class of theories where ‖ε'/ε‖ is either vanishing or very small (‖ε'/ε‖104). From the known strength of CP violation in the neutral kaon ...