DEAD-box RNA helicases comprise a family within helicase superfamily 2 and make up the largest group of RNA helicases. They are a profoundly conserved family of RNA-binding proteins, carrying a generic Asp–Glu–Ala–Asp (D–E–A–D) motif that gives the family its name. Members of the...
The DEAD-box protein family of RNA helicases. Gene 367, 17–37 (2006). CAS PubMed Google Scholar Jarmoskaite, I. & Russell, R. DEAD-box proteins as RNA helicases and chaperones. Wiley Interdiscip.Rev. RNA 2, 135–152 (2011). CAS PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Abdelhaleem,...
RNA helicases of the DEAD-box protein family all have nine characteristic motifs. These motifs clearly distinguish this family from other, highly related, RNA helicase families such as the DEAH-box or the Ski2 families. The motifs are contained within a core domain that is flanked by less-co...
Chapter 2:The Dynamic Life with DEAD-Box RNA Helicases RNA helicases of the DEAD-box protein family were originally described as proteins that contain NTP-binding motifs, resemble proteins involved in replication, recombination and repair,1 and are very similar to the eukaryotic translation ... ...
SUMO modification of the DEAD box protein p68 modulates its transcriptional activity and promotes its interaction with HDAC1 The nuclear protein p68 (also known as Ddx5) is a prototypic member of the 'DEAD box' family of RNA helicases, which has been shown to be abnormally expres... AM Jaco...
The K-homology (KH) domain is a nucleic acid-binding domain present in many proteins but has not been reported in helicases. DDX43, also known as HAGE (helicase antigen gene), is a member of the DEAD-box protein family. It contains a helicase core domain in its C terminus and a ...
DEXD/H-box RNA helicases couple ATP hydrolysis to RNA remodeling by an unknown mechanism. We used x-ray crystallography and biochemical analysis of the human DEXD/H-box protein DDX19 to investigate its regulatory mechanism. The crystal structures of DDX19, in its RNA-bound prehydrolysis and ...
The genetic regulation of cell cycle progression and cell proliferation plays a role in the growth of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), one of the most common causes of cancer-related mortality. Although DEAD-box RNA helicases are known to play a role in cancer development, including lung...
The presence of the eight conserved motifs characteristic of the DEAD protein family was observed in the T. cruzi sequence, indicating that it corresponds to a putative RNA helicase gene, which we named HelTc. Southern blot analysis indicated that HelTc is a single-copy gene. Pulsed-field gel...
The Me31B DEAD-Box Helicase Localizes to Postsynaptic Foci and Regulates Expression of a CaMKII Reporter mRNA in Dendrites of Drosophila Olfactory Projecti... (2010) The Me31B DEAD-Box helicase localizes to postsynaptic foci and regulates expression of a CaMKII reporter mRNA in dendrites of ...