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Chapter 2Th1/Th2 Cell Differentiationand Molecular SignalsYuan Zhang, Yaguang Zhang, Wangpeng Gu and Bing SunAbstract The distinctive differentiated states of the CD4+ T helper cells are deter-minedbythesetoftranscriptionfactorsandthegenestranscribedbythetranscriptionfactors. In vitro induction models, ...
DC 诱导的Thl 样反应减弱LFA—l 和ICAM—l 通路诱导 Thl 极化是非IL—l2 依赖性的,可能通过ERK 途径? Rogers 等进一步研究了共刺激分子(CD28,OX40, LFA—l,CIM),抗原剂量与Thl/Th2 细胞分化的关系.作者 提出以下模式:低/中等剂量抗原伴多个共刺激分子相互作 用或大剂量抗原伴少数协同刺激分子辅助作用...
TH2 cellsT cellsGLANDSCELL differentiationLIGANDS (Biochemistry)Discusses research being done on the instructive process of the development of T helper 2 cells by Notch glands. Reference to a study by D. Amsen and colleagues published in a 2004 issue of "Cell"; Exploration of factors responsible...
These findings elucidate a novel mechanism of action of CC-4047 on T cell differentiation, suggesting that certain IMiDs immunomodulatory drugs may have expanded clinical application in treating both allergic diseases and certain T cell lymphomas where a predominant Th2 phenotype is displayed. 展开 ...
Intracellular detection of T-cell cytokines. Differentiation of TH1 and TH2 cellsThe use of cytometry has become very important in different fields of modern biology and medicine (1-4). In addition to the simple measurement of cell ... U Banning,D Körholz - 《Methods Mol Biol》 被引量...
NF?KB信号通路在人初始T细胞向Thl/Th2分化中的作用 张宁,徐永健,张珍祥,邓群益,熊维宁,刘先胜 (华中科技大学同济医学院附属同济医院呼吸内科,湖北武汉430030) Roleofnitricoxide——NF?KBsignaling pathwayindifferentiationofhuman naiveTiymphocytesintoThl/Th2cells ...
Background:Xiaoqinglong decoction(XQLD)is a classic Chinese medicinal formula that is widely used to treat allergic asthma.Recently,the use of XQLD to treat allergic asthma has inspired research to determine its mechanism of action.Because dendritic cells(DCs)and the T helper 1(Th1)/Th2 cytokin...