图13. 该图使用BCR-seq数据量化了不同感染阶段不同B细胞类型的丰度 图16. BCR(上)和TCR(下)的不同克隆扩增水平的百分比 图16. BCR(上)和TCR(下)的不同克隆扩增水平的百分比 参考文献 [1] Liu H, Pan W, Tang C, et al. The methods and advances of adaptive immune receptors repertoire sequencing....
而TCR/BCR测序是一种用于分析T细胞受体(T cell receptor, TCR)和B细胞受体(B cell receptor, BCR)的高通量测序技术,可以揭示T细胞和B细胞受体的多样性和特异性,有助于解析生物体抵御病原微生物入侵的免疫机制。将scRNA-seq与TCR/BCR-seq相结合,可一次性获得大量单细胞的基因表达和免疫组库数据,从而从多个维度深...
T-cell receptors (TCR) andB-cell receptors (BCR)represent distinct classes of immune receptors that exhibit significant differences in both function and structure. As their names suggest, these receptors are present on the surfaces of different cell types. The TCR, a relatively simpler construct, ...
图6:BCR基因重组 而在淋巴细胞白血病或淋巴瘤发生过程中,淋巴细胞在某一个或几个特定的TCR或Ig基因性重排的细胞中发生转化,导致TCR或Ig基因单克隆性表达,使淋巴细胞呈现为克隆性增殖。 从而在淋巴结,外周血或者骨髓细胞中出现1个或2个...
containing 10x Genomics-like UMIs (default: not used) --readFormat STRING: format for read, barcode and UMI files (example: r1:0:-1,r2:0:-1,bc:0:15,um:16:-1 for paired-end files with barcode and UMI) --repseq: the data is from bulk,non-UMI-based TCR-seq or BCR-seq (...
(default: 0 -1 +) --repseq: the data is from TCR-seq or BCR-seq (default: not set) --barcode-level STRING: barcode is for cell or molecule (default: cell) --minHitLen INT: the minimal hit length for a valid overlap (default: auto) --mateIdSuffixLen INT: the suffix length ...
We synthesized 48 BCR constructs representing different IGH, IGK, and IGL genes and 39 TCR constructs for TRB, TRA, TRG, and TRD genes. The spike-in controls were tested as (16 脳 3) BCR constructs and (13 脳 3) TCR Triplex isoform pools added to multiple samples in the same batch ...
图6:BCR基因重组 而在淋巴细胞白血病或淋巴瘤发生过程中,淋巴细胞在某一个或几个特定的TCR或Ig基因性重排的细胞中发生转化,导致TCR或Ig基因单克隆性表达,使淋巴细胞呈现为克隆性增殖。 从而在淋巴结,外周血或者骨髓细胞中出现1个或2个主要淋巴细胞克隆,呈单克隆性,TCR和Ig基因家族的单克隆重排是淋巴瘤细胞群的...
首先TCR/BCR的本质是细胞膜表面蛋白受体,其生成过程都要走过DNA转录成RNA进而翻译生成蛋白质。 在组成结构上,两种抗原识别受体均由两条不同链连接而成,TCR(1条α链+1条β链),BCR(2条重链+2条轻链)。其中α链和轻链受基因片段VJC区域编码,组合形式相对简单,β链和重链受基因片段V(D)JC区域编码。