T 细胞的谱系发育决定完成于胸腺。由造血干细胞(HSC)分化发育而来的淋巴细胞前体经骨髓迁移到胸腺后的初始阶段是不表达TCR, 与其辅助受体CD4 和 CD8分子的,被称为“双阴性阶段”(double negative stage,DN)。随着细胞的分化发育过程,TCR...
TCR主要存在于T细胞表面,负责识别并结合由抗原呈递细胞(如巨噬细胞、树突状细胞等)通过MHC分子(主要组织相容性复合体)呈递的多肽片段。当TCR与抗原-MHC复合物结合后,会触发T细胞活化和增殖,从而分化为不同的效应子T细胞亚群,包括CD8+ 细胞毒性T细胞和CD4+ 辅助T细胞。 CD8+ 细胞毒性T细胞(CTLs)能够特异性识别并消...
文中出现的相关产品包括MHC四聚体、TCR等,浩生医疗均可提供标准化生产、定制化生产,主要内容包括: 人、小鼠MHC-I/II类四聚体定制:用于检测、捕获CD8+/CD4+抗原特异性T细胞 人、小鼠TCR四聚体定制:用于检测、捕获抗原呈递细胞,比如肿瘤细胞、树突状细胞;用于TCR-T改造...
1). CD8+ T cells from PDCD1−/− P14 TCR-transgenic mice re-expressing PD-1 or vehicle spread on gp33:H2-Db (but not BSA) surface (Fig. 1a–c), indicating that the antigen recognition machinery alone is able to support spreading without adhesion molecules (e.g. integrins) used ...
Shinya Tanaka1,3, Kenji Chamoto1,Yuki Kagoya1, Kayoko Saso1, Tingxi Guo1,2, Mark Anczurowski1,2, Marcus O. Butler1,4 & Naoto Hirano1,2 Recent high throughput sequencing analysis has revealed that the TCRβ repertoire is largely different between CD8+ and CD4+ T cel...
Here we have focused on immune suppression mediated by a novel population of CD8αα+TCRαβ+ Treg that target only activated T cells. These Treg are reactive to a peptide derived from the conserved region of the beta chain of the T cell receptor (TCR) utilized by pathogenic T cells and...
与MHC class I不同,MHC class II的两条链都由6号染色体的MHC基因编码,α链和β链都具有跨膜结构域和两个胞外结构域, \alpha_{1} 和\beta_{1} 结构域与肽段结合。 MHC class II 的结构 与MHC class I不同,MHC class II分子所结合的肽段在理论上没有长度限制。这是因为MHC class II分子与肽段的结...
[4] Burtrum DB, Kim S, Dudley EC, Hayday AC, Petrie HT. TCR gene recombination and alpha beta-gamma delta lineage divergence: productive TCR-beta rearrangement is neither exclusive nor preclusive of gamma delta cell development. J Immunol. 1996;157(10):4293-6. ...
Dominant subset of IELs in the small intestine are TCRαβCD8αα+ cells, which are derived from immature thymocytes that express self- reactive TCRs. Although most of TCRαβCD8αα+ IELs are thymus-derived, their repertoire adapts to microbial flora. Here, using high throughput TCR ...
These findings point out the fact that thymocytes in SCID-bg mice have a peculiar characteristic compared to CB-17-scid mice, and provide evidence of TCR beta-independent development of thymocytes to the DP stage. 展开 关键词: CD4 CD8 mice scid thymocyte ...