优势 快速 Determine™ Syphilis TP 在 15 分钟内即可获得明确、可靠的结果 使用简单 使用血浆或血清检测只需一步、全血只需两步即可完成 灵活 可用于血清、血浆或全血详细信息 产品资料 规格与性能 货号了解最新动态 注册以获取来自 Abbott 的有价值最新动态。 注册以接收快讯 ...
1.产品英文名称由“Alere Determine Syphilis TP”变更为“Determine Syphilis TP”。 2.注册人名称由“Alere Medical Co., Ltd.”变更为“Abbott Diagnostics Medical Co., Ltd. 雅培诊断(日本)医疗有限公司”。 3.产品说明书文字性变更,具体内容详见附件。 请注册人依据变更批件及其附件修改说明书。 2021-02-09...
产品名称(英文) Syphilis TP Reagent Kit 结构及组成/主要组成成分 微粒子、结合物、项目稀释液。(具体内容详见说明书) 适用范围/预期用途 本试剂盒用于体外定性检测人血清和血浆中的梅毒螺旋体(TP)抗体。 型号规格 ARCHITECT:1×100 测试/盒,1×500 测试/盒。Alinity:2×100 测试/盒,2×600 测试/盒。
Samples were batch-tested with the Abbott ARCHITECT syphilis TP immunoassay (CIA, index test). We calculated sensitivity, specificity, predictive value, and false positivity. We compared pregnancy and neonatal outcomes among screen-positive women. Results Of 1,602 specimens, 35 (2.2%) were RPR +...
The SD BIOLINE HIV/Syphilis Duo test is a solid phase immunochromatographic assay for the qualitative detection of antibodies to all isotypes(IgG, IgM, and IgA) specific to HIV-1/2 and/or Treponema pallidum (TP) simultaneously in human serum, plasma, or whole blood.Contact...
ABBOTTDIAGNOSTICS.COM DIAGNOSTICS VALUE TO YOUR LAB The ARCHITECT Syphilis TP assay is a qualitative test for the detection of antibodies (IgG and IgM) directed against TP to aid in the diagnosis of syphilis infection:3-7 n Automated Treponemal test that can significantly decrease manual RPR ...
79.Adhikari EH, Frame IJ, Hill E, Fatabhoy R, Strickland AL, Cavuoti D, et al. Abbott ARCHITECT syphilis TP chemiluminescent immunoassay accurately diagnoses past or current syphilis in pregnancy. American Journal of Perinatology. 2020;37(1):112-118 ...
Abbott(1) Arkray(1) Axis-Shield PLC(2) B bioLytical(1) Boson Biotech Co., Ltd.(2) C Cepheid(1) Chembio Diagnostic Systems, Inc.(2) H HWTAi(1) HYSEN HANGZHOU BIOTECH(2) M Maccura Biotechnology Co., Ltd.(1) Medical Innovation Ventures(1) ...
Sensitivity and specificity of the syphilis rapid strip test Abbott Determine TP among pregnant Bolivian womenSensitivity and specificity of the syphilis rapid strip test Abbott Determine TP among pregnant Bolivian womenConclusions: The Abbott Determine TP is highly sensitive and specific. This rapid strip...
“egg-fried” microcolonies of mycoplasma in culture; lower left: chlamydial inclusions in McCoy cells; center: fluorescent spirochetes ofTreponema pallidum). (B) The most common commercial platforms that are currently used for the NAAT of STIs (upper left: Abbott m2000 platform; upper right: ...