(TP) in human serum or plasma. It is intended to be used as a screening test and as an aid in the diagnosis of infection with TP. Any reactive specimen with the SYP Ab Rapid Test Cassette must be confirmed with alternat...
答: 病情分析:你的检查值是检测方法,没有检测结果和参考值。你的化验单应该是没有说全的指导意见:该检查就是诊断梅毒的,是否需要吃药,还需要你在继续说清楚检查结果追问: 追问: 请你帮我看看吧。。谢谢你。 回答: 你的化验单点击不能放大,看不清结果,客服不在,也不能处理。请等待...
Tabes dorsalis or syphilitic myelitis results from the functional destruction of the posterior dorsal columns and dorsal nerve roots. The pathology develops from the localized cellular response to the inflammatory infiltrate produced due to theT palliduminfection, resulting from cytokine release, reactive o...
Particularly, penicillin- or cephalosporin-related antibiotics used for infectious diseases had a partial effect on syphilis by reducing the loads of TP in the body. The occurrence of JHR might depend on the spirochete loads in the body [3, 27]. Our finding that previous syphilis treatment was...
[8] 17 Francophone African countries 5 rapid HIV testsd HIV-1/HIV-2 Ab EIA 72.4e 99.5e 10 rapid HbsAg testsf HbsAg EIA 47.4e 99.1e 8 rapid HCV testsg Anti-HCV EIA 63.7e 97.4e [100] 8 laboratory sites Determine Syphilis TP (Abbot, Chicago, IL) Anti-TP TPPA, TPHA 97.2 94.1 ...
(Architect Syphilis TP Microparticles, Abbott Laboratories, Illinois, USA), which was the initial screen [26]. Quantitative RPR titre was obtained on all samples tested reactive by the syphilis EIA (or Syphilis POC test) [26]. A line immunoassay (INNO-LIA Syphilis, Innogenetics NV, Ghent, ...