One Step TP Anti-Syphilis Test Kit One Step Anti-Syphilis Test is a rapid direct binding test for the visual detection of anti-syphilis antibodies in serum as an aid in the diagnosis of syphilis infection. Test results are read visually without any instrument. It is based on the princip...
New products Lab Syphilis Antibody TP Rapid Test kit One Step ANTI-SYPHILIS Rapid Screen Test is a lateral flow, immunochromatographic screening test. Two Purified recombinant antigens of SYPHILIS are used in test band as capture materials and gold conjugates. If the antibody of Anti-...
Principle of Easysweet Syphilis Rapid Test This syphilis anti-TP rapid test uses a cassette chromatographic lateral flow test device. Colloidal gold-conjugated recombinant antigens (Au-Ag) corresponding to TP antigens (P47, P45, P17, P15) were dried and immobilized on the ends of nitrocellulose ...
Testsealabs Syphilis antibody rapid test- TP test Product Description Intended Use: The Syphilis(Anti-treponemia Pallidum) Antibody Test is a rapid chromatographic immunoassay for the qualitative detection of antibodies (IgG and IgM) to Treponema Pallidum (TP) in Whole Blood/Serum/Plasma...
One Step Anti-TP (Treponema Pallidum) Test is a rapid qualitative screening test that can be performed without the use of an instrument. The test utilizes purified recombinant antigen to specifically detect the presence of Treponema Pallidum specific antibodies. It allows the detection of both IgG ...
HighTop Syp Syphilis Rapid Test Kit TP Antibody Cassette One Step ANTI-SYPHILIS Rapid Screen Test is a lateral flow, immunochromatographic screening test. Two Purified recombinant antigens of SYPHILIS are used in test band as capture materials and gold conjugates. If the antibody ...
ELISA Kit for Antibody to Treponema Pallidum (TP) is an in vitro enzyme immunoassay for the detection of Anti-TP antibodies in human serum or plasma. It is for diagnosis of early infection and epidemic survey.Principle:This kit uses enzyme immunoassay method to detect anti-TP antibodies in ser...
Positive: Two pink bands appear on test region of the Cassette. This indicates that the specimen contains detectable amount of anti-TP. Invalid: If without colored band appears on test region, this is an indication of a possible error in performing the test. The test...
(antiimmunoglobulin with a fluoresceinisothiocyanate label) and examined under afluorescent microscope by an experienced tech.The intensity of the fluorescenceis graded 0-4+,with 2+ or greater indicating reactive.Laboratory Diagnosis:n Hemagglutination Tests (includes HATTSand MHA-TP) utilize red cells ...
The HIV 1/2 & Syphilis(TP) Rapid Test is a rapid visual immunoassay for the qualitative, presumptive detection of antibodies to HIV- 1/HIV-2 and IgM/IgG antibodies to Treponema Pallidum (TP) in human whole Blood, serum or plasma specimens. This kit is intend...