RPR test, Treponema pallidum particle agglutination (TPPA) assay, and Treponema pallidum antibody (TP-Ab) in CSF showed positive results, and the anti-NMDAR antibodies were positive in CSF and serum. Finally, the patient was diagnosed with neurosyphilis with a positive anti-NMDAR antibody. The ...
cholera, and yellow fever, causing death and suffering to thousands of people. These diseases are transmitted in different ways: syphilis by sexual activity, cholera by ingestion of contaminated water, and yellow fever by the bite of an infected mosquito. With the exception of syphilis, the mode...
Syphilis is an infectious disease caused by the spirochete bacteriaTreponema pallidum. It has been called the "great imitator" due to the multitude of symptoms it produces. The diagnosis becomes further muddled by periods of active disease and latency. The term neurosyphilis refers to an infection ...
Determine HIV 1/2 (Abbott, Tokyo, Japan) HIV-1/HIV-2 Ab EIA N/A 100.0 96.2 22.2 100 OraQuick HIV-1 (Orasure, Bethlehem, PA; assembled in Thailand) HIV-1 Ab EIA N/A 100.0 99.8 83.3 100 [109] Zambia HIV-spot (non-expired)b (Diagnostic Biotechnology Ltd., Singapore, Singapore...
Evidence for a humoral mechanism in immunity to experimental syphilis was provided by the demonstration of immune rabbit serum factor(s) capable of inactivating virulent Treponema pallidum, Nichols strain, in an in vitro-in vivo neutralization test. After intratesticular infection, rabbits were bled pe...
Baglivo E, Kapetanios A, Safran AB. Fluorescein and indocyanine green angiographic features in acute syphilitic macular placoid chorioretinitis. Can J Ophthalmol. 2003;38(5):401–5. PubMed Google Scholar Erol N, Topbas S. Acute syphilitic posterior placoid chorioretinitis after an intravitreal tria...
reach a fi nal c onc entration of 1 M m an d ab so rb anc e of 0.6 0 0 at 6 0 0 n m.T h e bac teria were inc ub ate d fo r an additio nal 5 h.C el ls w ere har vested by c entrifug ation an d d isrupted by ultrasonic ation .T he expressio n prod- ...
Aldir I,Borges F,Manata MJ,etc.Evaluation of the Treponema pallidum particle agglutination technique (TP.PA) in the diagnosis of neurosyphilis.[J].2006,20(6).Evaluation of the Treponema pallidum particle agglutination technique (TP.PA) in the diagnosis of neurosyphilis. Barroca, Maria Joao M...
reach a fi nal c onc entration of 1 M m an d ab so rb anc e of 0.6 0 0 at 6 0 0 n m.T h e bac teria were inc ub ate d fo r an additio nal 5 h.C el ls w ere har vested by c entrifug ation an d d isrupted by ultrasonic ation .T he expressio n prod- ...
Particularly, penicillin- or cephalosporin-related antibiotics used for infectious diseases had a partial effect on syphilis by reducing the loads of TP in the body. The occurrence of JHR might depend on the spirochete loads in the body [3, 27]. Our finding that previous syphilis treatment was...