Type /stuck in the chat window. The game will try to move your character to the nearest safe location. If it can’t find one, it’ll kill your character and allow you to revive at the nearest med center instead. Use Quick Travel to pull your character to a local bind point. If you...
Are you looking to play SWTOR with one hand or have limited hand mobility? Many SWTOR players have figured out how to make this classic mouse-and-keyboard game work for one-handed gaming! Whether you are dealing with Hemiparesis or weakness or inability to move on one side of your body, ...
Establishing locations for actors to sit or stand, or setting directions for them to move, helps the cinematographer establish mood and scene (as well as focus and knowing where to point the camera). The same techniques can be applied to your RP. STAGING Let’s start by examining the stage...
Would there be a way to either make the character moves/legacy/pet/vehicle choice window larger or actually add a scroll bar? I can not use a scroll wheel mouse due to neuropathy and limited mobility in my hands (I use a trackball mouse so I can feel the marble to move it...my fin...
The new afro hairstyles look better with a bit of scruff on the scalp but right now they are tied to the light beard options I will always ask for account unlock titles, body tattoos for Mirialan's, and a larger chat window. But since we are revisiting character creation,PLEASE take the...
Open your chat window, type /stuck, hit enter and enjoy denying them the killing blow. On a more serious note, you will not survive multiple nets without considerable support from your team. Physics Movement impairing Slows These slow the target, reducing their movement speed. Unless the targ...
We found some cover, and Six decided to move ahead and grab his car so we won’t all get wet. I did have a small umbrella, and a rain coat packed in my backpack. I would have given up my umbrella to Swtorista (I main a Jedi KNIGHT, after all, hehe), but we waited for Six...
“Hi there, red bloods.” She winks as she steps out into the sunlight on Voss. “You do what you gotta do, then move on. That’s the only way to celebrate anything. Oh… and drink a lot, I suppose.” I’d like to thank all of my “children” and add my own well-wishes. ...
5. According to the band 'Right Said Fred' where should you be in Huttball. A) I don't listen to dance music. B) *SLOBBER* MUST KILL !!!1!!!1 lLoneone!1! C) On the catwalk. On the catwalk. 6. When you outnumber people rushing the objective what dance move do you suggest...
I have to say I'm enjoying the game and I have no axe to grind. Yes, there are some things that could be improved but there are many, many good things. I see so many threads with posters claiming that they have unsubbed. Some even seemed to have unsubbed