SWTOR Legacy and Character Unlocks GuideYour Legacy in Star Wars: The Old Republic is a system that connects all of your characters on a server together – and the more your progress your legacy, the more unlocks will be come available to you, including unlocks that allow you to move or ...
No one knows right now. If they follow RIFT's pattern, which worked really well, they'll put a "move it or lose it" message on the low-pop server, and give everyone on that server a few weeks to find another server, then shut it down. ...
You can then alternately left-click on different individuals to show your character’s attention moving from person to person (or conversely, away from everyone to look at something in the distance). This is also a great use for pets. Clicking on ground pets will cause your character to look...
Hello, I would like to explain somethings here and hopefully spark some ideas with the develop team to add into the game overtime. 1. Friends list that you can add another players email address, so we do not have to keep adding every new character that t
Each week we hold a Mandatory meeting on a Sunday, where we discuss game news, talk about promations, and then move on to a group event, whether it be a Flashpoint, Operation, Warzone, or even helping another guild member with various missions with regard to leveling. However, we do ...
SimulationCraft-SWTOR is a tool to explore combat mechanics in the popular MMO RPG Star Wars: The Old Republic (tm), originally created for the MMO RPG World of Warcraft (tm). - simulationcraft-swtor/Welcome.html at master · simulationcraft/simulationcr
Noting the number of players per server (each faction) and the players within level ranges. I am sure Bioware has simple scripts to grab this data, then allow this data to be on the server transfer webpage allow the player to move their character to that server. Since this is a ...
SWTOR .json character data import: Imports .json files generated by TORCommunity.com's Character Designer and NPC database describing all the assets and data necessary to auto-assemble and auto-texture a Player Character or a NPC.Please checkour guides in this Github's Wikibefore trying it!It...
s not about character or story. No, in the end its about using an avatar to beat the living snot out of another avatar, knowing in your heart of blackest hearts that there’s another human being somewhere in the world controlling the unconscious form lying helpless to your relentless tea...
Once again I do not favor one faction over the other. I have an agent on another server that once I level it up high enough to be able to /sap I will teach some Republic players the error of leaving the platform as well. EditedFebruary 6, 2012by mclxviii ...