You can click and drag different parts of the interface around to move them, and save your interface and use it across multiple characters. One thing you may want to do is move all of your interface elements close together – that way you have to move your hand/mouse cursor less to get...
They player may actually move Krebble farther away with just a simple tap of the A, S, W, or D, but you don’t really want to put emphasis on anything physical at this point. It’s all about the description and the rising drama in the air through their dialogue and exposition.) ....
Type /stuck in the chat window. The game will try to move your character to the nearest safe location. If it can’t find one, it’ll kill your character and allow you to revive at the nearest med center instead. Use Quick Travel to pull your character to a local bind point. If you...
I will always ask for account unlock titles, body tattoos for Mirialan's, and a larger chat window. But since we are revisiting character creation,PLEASE take the time to remove the walls to customization that seem so arbitrary. Certain hairstyles are only available to certain races even thoug...
Would there be a way to either make the character moves/legacy/pet/vehicle choice window larger or actually add a scroll bar? I can not use a scroll wheel mouse due to neuropathy and limited mobility in my hands (I use a trackball mouse so I can feel the marble to move fin...
Open your chat window, type /stuck, hit enter and enjoy denying them the killing blow. On a more serious note, you will not survive multiple nets without considerable support from your team. User Interface Settings and Controls Optimal user interface settings and controls are, of course, subjec...
The actual “sex” part of ERP can take some time, but once it’s established that that’s what’s going on, feel free to say something like, “…continues for ___ minutes/hours” etc. Then move on (presuming, of course, that your RP partner agrees with the established set of time...
C) On the catwalk. On the catwalk. 6. When you outnumber people rushing the objective what dance move do you suggest? A) The Cabbage Patch. B) The forbidden dance of love, The Lambada. C) The Curbstomp 7. Who should you kill first?
I have to say I'm enjoying the game and I have no axe to grind. Yes, there are some things that could be improved but there are many, many good things. I see so many threads with posters claiming that they have unsubbed. Some even seemed to have unsubbed
With the case and fans ready to go, I was ready to move onto the motherboard. I watched a few build videos, and the majority of them install the CPU and then the RAM before placing the motherboard into the case. The CPU installation was the scariest part of the build! You are holdi...