We are striving to make a name for ourselves on the Jedi Covenant server, often PVP'ing together, running flashpoints and dailies. Our goal is to encourage all members to enjoy SWTOR and what it has to offer, by providing them an environment where our members work together to achieve ...
Whether you’re just diving in to some random extraneous BARPing (Bar RP) around a cantina, or setting a scene inside a hangar, spaceport or back alley on Nar Shaddaa, there are some considerations to make based on your expectations for the story. Naturally, you can’t expect everyone in ...
You don’t. Period. Even if a player states that they’re one gender in OOC chat doesn’t make it so. I’ve known quite a few males who pass themselves off as female players, and vice-versa. Now ask yourself if that matters. If you are a male RPer and you will only ERP with ...
Investigating that issue (and allowing us to make the chat box bigger) would help there. fabsus Members 1.1k Posted January 13, 2021 especially the group content is not optimized for some issues and i would like to see some options in the future. 1.) enable a high contrast mode ...
The whole “it’s too toxic on the forums for the devs” is a silly argument for anyone to make when comparing to discord channels. I’m not saying it’s doesn’t get toxic here, but let’s be realistic in this discussion. If the toxicity that can happen on discord doesn’t drive...
and when i go to the vent options to pick my headphones as the output device it will also make the game sounds come through my headphones. For some reason the vent options overide my computer options and vice versa. Instead of the Vent options being and independant setting inside itself it...
This discipline is a beast: lots of very strong defensives, Heavy Armor and your mighty pocket healers will make you truly immortal. And you have Backhand. Do I need to say more? Recommmended: Highly Vengeance When embracing the dark side of the Force, vengeance can be a powerful ally....
4. Give us the ability to change our Surnames in-game, such as the vendors that reset AC points. This is terribly needed, especially when the system helps players make mistakes in their names, such as with the Capital Letter problem in the above, or frankly, just simply want to change ...
Introduction: Have you ever wondered what happens to the scenes that don’t make the final cut in a movie? Well, in the Star Wars universe, every snippet, every frame holds a galaxy of stories. Today, we’re diving into one such enigmatic piece – the deleted scene “Yoda Communes With...
I had expressed interest in volunteering prior to the convention, and she was sweet enough to make bags for anyone that was going to help out! The booth was sort of hectic with the show floor opening up, but we talked briefly and then I met a few of the other volunteers. Next up is...