So I wonder how its exclusively a problem with SWTOR, but maybe I will try link up via steam if that offer some work around. I was just a bit perplexed why its a issue one place but not the other.","body@stringLength":"431","rawBody":" Wanted to chim...
Solo ranked always suffered population issues but not due to the population of the game, due to the fact that many people there are incredibly angry, emotional and toxic which leads to them pushing people away. Their self destructive behavior has hurt so
use the following link(insert the swtor email) ( it is not the email on the account Swampfox162 you posted on here )to reset the passwordthen login on that EA account to fix the swtor account for purchasing for future purchases, use incognito mode...
Although most cosmetic items are quite expensive, there are quite a few that will be under the credit cap. First search in the category you are looking for in the GTN, then press the tiny arrows on the top right to sort by price. Then you’ll easily be able to see which items are ...
In SWTOR, players can send items and credits directly to the mailbox of players in their own faction. We maintain professional accounts in both factions to make it easy to deliver to players in both the Sith Empire and the Galactic Republic. How do I get the SWTOR credits I purchased?Ther...
These items are usually located near the world bosses of the planets. You can pick up the prep work missons from the Feast of Prosperity Ingredients Request board. Note that the board will be lit up even after you pick up the quest, to remind you to come back tomorrow. You can only ...
Every player was given 2,000 of their cash shop currency to spend on the various items. They're certain to add more, but as they've demonstrated to the public so far, it looks like a very agreeable model for them. I play STO. I know what's in the C-Store, and there's nothing...
None of those things limit your access to the game's content; they're nothing but convenience and ease of use items. EDIT - This, as opposed to games like LotRO and CO which section off actual playable content behind micro-transactions. It still means I have to pay money in GW2 for ...
3) Established that your RP partner is an adult. For more on ERP (the do- and do-nots), refer to RP XP #6. In the last Q&A (RP XP #40) I answered the question of how to get out of an ERP if you get pulled into one without permission. In a not-so-related topic, see als...
Swtorista SWAG / Volunteer Only Items Swtorista pin (based on her character) – I really want to do my own based on R2; little hard to see it, it is under Satele. Volunteer / Fan Community Member Name Tags – I LOVE THIS!!!; had it on the whole time at Celebration; very tempted...