How to contact us: StackAndDie.Enjin.Com is the best way. We also have a recruiting post on Swtor forums under prophecy of the five server. You can also type /who stack and die and it will bring up who is online in the guild at the moment. We look forward to hearing from anyone...
Field Legacy Cargo Hold: The Legacy Cargo Hold unlock is even more useful, as many legacy items are shared between characters, like gear sets. (2,000,000 Credits and Legacy Level 20 per server or 450 CC per Server) Inventory Rows: I love not having to deal with my giant pile of junk...
many without any combat at all. I always enjoy taking my characters out into the world, walking from place to place, meeting people, getting into adventures. Unlike Dailies and Heroics, the pace of the Encounters is less hectic,
These decorations need to be placed against a wall or in a line with identical items, however this isn’t possible due to their hook layout. Hopefully they can be placed off-center as their default location within the hook. Alternately, increase the amount we can move decorations on the X/...
Due to the possibility of scams and the extra work involved, don’t be surprised a seller declines this type of trade when you mail them about it. Have friends buy you items: If you have a friend you trust who is subscribed, you can have them place some junk items on the GTN for ...
Hi, my name is Ne'laa, a long time player from the Red Eclipse and this is the first part of my guide intended to help players perform better in PvP. This part covers most of the basic mechanics of the game, while the second part is about the warzones themselves and how to properly...
That took about 2 hours between waiting for confirmation, searching for items, and talking to the owner. At this point, it was past 2 PM and we still had not visited my aunt and uncle, so we decided to drive there and get something to eat for a late lunch! My uncle has had health...
ITEMS Upgrading gear with Augments or Dyes via vendor trade-in destroys those gear mods if they are not removed prior to upgrading. I hate to be a moaning minnie HOWEVER I fed this exact issue back in the PTS forums. My feedback was clearly ignoredA lot of people are going to lose out...
However, a few of the items are a little different than you may be used to, and are worth looking at a little closer, so that you don’t run afoul of any of the rules once Early Access (and Launch) hits and you find yourself actually playing the game. One of these items that ...
and commentary for alderaan need to just be removed at 50 warzones. Because at level 50 I expect everyone to have at least an idea of what the heck is going on and what to do. I'm tired of hearing about how the imperials are on to me in alderaan or how hutts don't have feet...