进入路由器和交换机的配置界面: 点击交换机设备,然后在Packet Tracer的底部窗口中选择“CLI”标签页以打开交换机的命令行界面(CLI)。 类似地,点击路由器设备,并在Packet Tracer的底部窗口中选择“CLI”标签页以打开路由器的CLI。 配置交换机和路由器的相关参数以实现连通: 配置交换机: 交换机通常不需要特别的配...
步骤1:配置实验环境 首先打开Cisco Packet Tracer,进入软件后,购买一台交换机 步骤2:进入与退出配置模式 单击该交换机,进入配置界面,单击CLI进入命令行模式; 打一下回车,出现: Switch> 这告诉我们现在是默认用户模式,且主机名为Switch 输入enable进入特权模式: Switch> Switch>enable Switch# 在特权模式下输入configur...
答:亲亲,配置方法如下:1.鼠标右击网络打开属性2.点击打开本地连接3.点击下方的属性打开4.选择TCP/IPV4打开。5.输入IPV4的地址,点击下方的确定即可。 感谢您的耐心等待。以上是我的全部回复如果对我的服务满意,请给个赞哦,再次祝您事事顺心!平安喜乐!
I believe 2960 doesn't support PoE in packet tracer. It might support as i looked in google, but i was unsuccessful when i tried in packet tracer. If you still want to stick with switch 2960, you can just click on IP phone and in bottom you can see
S2960(config)#hostname switch Switch(config)#exit 恩,的确是把名字又改回来了。你看(config)前面又从S2960变成Switch
This lab will test your ability to configure basic settings such as hostname, motd banner, encrypted passwords, and terminal options on a Cisco Catalyst 2960 switch emulated in Packet Tracer 8.1.1. 1. Use the local laptop connect to the switch console and configure the laptop with the right...
And also make the port connected to the DHCP server a trunk port and make sure VLAN 10 (and all other VLANS) are allowed. If the DHCP server is on SW 3 then it will just get to the L3 switch and be sent on the trunk port to Switch 3. I dont think it hits the SVI because ...
switchport port-security violation shutdown 使用必要的命令启用端口。 S1(config)# int fa0/1 S1(config-if)# no shut 检验连通性[2]。 PC1 此时应该能对 PC2 执行 ping 操作反馈 收藏
switchport是将接口配置为2层口,你在vlan接口里显然用不了这个命令。批量配置端口可以用range关键字,int range f0/1 - 10