步骤1:配置实验环境 首先打开Cisco Packet Tracer,进入软件后,购买一台交换机 步骤2:进入与退出配置模式 单击该交换机,进入配置界面,单击CLI进入命令行模式; 打一下回车,出现: Switch> 这告诉我们现在是默认用户模式,且主机名为Switch 输入enable进入特权模式: Switch> Switch>enable Switch# 在特权模式下输入configur...
原来在 Cisco Packet Tracer 中 switch>下打入enable 进入特bai权模式 switch# switch#下打入conf t 进入配置du模式switch-config)#
Explicitly configuring the speed with thespeed 100IOS command of a Cisco Catalyst network interface disable auto-negociation on this interface Switch(config)#interface FastEthernet0/1 switchport mode access duplex full speed 100 Switch(config)#interface FastEthernet0/2 Switch(config-if)#switchport mod...
This lab will test your ability to configure basic settings such as hostname, motd banner, encrypted passwords, and terminal options on a Cisco Catalyst 2960 switch emulated in Packet Tracer 8.1.1. 1. Use the local laptop connect to the switch console and configure the laptop with the right ...
Packet Tracer - 配置初始交换机设置 目标 第 1 部分:检验默认交换机配置 第 2 部分:配置基本交换机配置 第 3 部分:配置 MOTD 标语 第 4 部分:将配置文件保存到 NVRAM 第 5 部分:配置 S2 背景 在本练习中,您将执行基本的交换机配置。您将使用加密密码和明文密码来保护对命令行界面 (CLI) 和控制台...
PacketTracer-ConfiguringInitialSwitchSettings ©P T O B P S © 2013 Cisco and Packet T Topology Objectives Part 1: Ve Part 2: Co Part 3: Co Part 4: Sa Part 5: Co Backgroun In this act interface (configure users that Part 1: V Step 1: En You can a command unauthoriz The ...
and we are learning how to use the cisco packet tracer. our proff. asked us to connect 24 stations (20 pc 2 printers and 2 servers) to a 2950-24 switch, and repeat that four times and then connect the four switches to each other in a star topology. 0- Is that even possible ?
重新允许接口发送路由器公告(RA)报文 你用的模拟器是cisco packet tracer吧,这个模拟器好像不支持
To explain basic switch configuration commands, I will use packet tracer network simulator software. You can use any network simulator software or can use a real Cisco switch to follow this guide. There is no difference in output as long as your selected software contains the commands explained ...
The PC IP address: PC is directly connected to Switch through copper straight-through cable. The topology is implemented in Cisco Packet Tracer: PC - SWITCH - ROUTER (default gateway) Why I can't do telnet even? I can ping to default gateway successfully (172.16.24....