步骤1:配置实验环境 首先打开Cisco Packet Tracer,进入软件后,购买一台交换机 步骤2:进入与退出配置模式 单击该交换机,进入配置界面,单击CLI进入命令行模式; 打一下回车,出现: Switch> 这告诉我们现在是默认用户模式,且主机名为Switch 输入enable进入特权模式: Switch> Switch>enable Switch# 在特权模式下输入configur...
A new switch just purchased from Cisco contains no default configuration. You need to configure the switch with setup mode or from scratch using the command line interface (CLI) before connecting it in your network environment. As a Cisco CCNA certified professional, it is very important to know...
PacketTracer-ConfiguringInitialSwitchSettings ©P T O B P S © 2013 Cisco and Packet T Topology Objectives Part 1: Ve Part 2: Co Part 3: Co Part 4: Sa Part 5: Co Backgroun In this act interface (configure users that Part 1: V Step 1: En You can a command unauthoriz The ...
Packet Tracer - 配置初始交换机设置 目标 第 1 部分:检验默认交换机配置 第 2 部分:配置基本交换机配置 第 3 部分:配置 MOTD 标语 第 4 部分:将配置文件保存到 NVRAM 第 5 部分:配置 S2 背景 在本练习中,您将执行基本的交换机配置。您将使用加密密码和明文密码来保护对命令行界面 (CLI) 和控制台...
Note: Our example commands and output were generated using Cisco Packet Tracer’s default 2960 switch running SW version 15.0(2)SE4. Step 1: Connect to the console If you’re labbing with a simulator/emulator or accessing the CLI via SSH, you can skip this step. ...
introduces the vocational college's requirements for non-computer-related professional students in training course of Computer Networks and Applications, taking the switch VLAN configuration for example, describes the concept of VLAN and switch, and expounds the operating platform Cisco Packet Tracer6.0....
To explain basic switch configuration commands, I will use packet tracer network simulator software. You can use any network simulator software or can use a real Cisco switch to follow this guide. There is no difference in output as long as your selected software contains the commands explained ...
This article briefly introduces the concepts and technologies of Virtual LAN(VLAN)and the Packet Tracer simulation software provided by Cisco Network Academy.And a more detailed method and step of using Packet Tracer to configure VLAN and VTP are presented,which can greatly enrich the experimental te...
Cisco packet trace 三、实验目的:熟悉Packet Tracer的使用,在Packet Tracer中使用HUB和PC搭建一个网络,分析数据在共享式以太网中的传输过程;使用Switch和PC搭建一个网络,分析数据在交换式以太网中的传输过程。 四、实验过程: (一).HUB和PC搭建的网络 1.运行Packet Trace,并在软件中构建HUB工作拓扑,如图所示: 图...
This post will deal with creating Layer 2 VLANs on Cisco switches and performing all relevant configurations. Up to 4094 VLANs can be configured on Cisco catalyst switches. By default, only VLAN 1 is configured on the switch, so if you connect hosts on a