打开Packet Tracer并创建一个新拓扑图: 启动Packet Tracer软件。 点击“File”菜单,选择“New Topology”以创建一个新的拓扑图。 在拓扑图中添加交换机和路由器设备: 从设备列表中拖拽一个交换机(例如,Switch 2960)到拓扑图的工作区。 同样地,从设备列表中拖拽一个路由器(例如,Router 2811)到拓扑图的工作区。
If the switch, router interface and end device are all in the same network scheme. The end device should be able to ping the router's interface. Also in the switch you have to configure "ip default-gateway x.x.x.x" command. When this configured the switch sends all traffic the door ...
The end device should be able to ping the router's interface. Also in the switch you have to configure "ip default-gateway x.x.x.x" command. When this configured the switch sends all traffic the door or gateway which is the router's interface. Make sure your interfaces are activated "...
and we are learning how to use the cisco packet tracer. our proff. asked us to connect 24 stations (20 pc 2 printers and 2 servers) to a 2950-24 switch, and repeat that four times and then connect the four switches to each other in a star topology. 0- Is that even possible ?
On your PacketTracer you have a folder where Cisco added examples of topologies and you can find the exactly topology you need for this case. You can use it or you can create your own based on that example Learn, share, save Discover and save your favorite ideas. Come back to ...
simulator, in this article I’ll show how a Cisco router can be used as a frame relay switch. The same hub and spoke topology is used, only the Frame Relay switch router configuration is explained here refer the previous article for the Hub router and spoke routers configuration instructions...
二、实验内容 1、配置RIP动态路由协议,使得三台路由器所连接的网络互通。 2、对运行中的RIP动态路由协议进行诊断。 3、配置RIP被动接口,观察效果。 4、配置RIP缺省路由,观察效果。 三、实验设备 PC终端一台,cisco packet tracer 软件一套。 四、实验环境 五、实验内容 1... 路由...
CDP and LLDP discovery protocols are both supported in Packet Tracer 7.2 on all Cisco Catalyst switches and ISR routers emulated devices. Both protocols can be enabled or disabled globally or per interface. Packet Tracer CDP capabilities Router#show cdp neighbors ...
Let’s enable and configure SSH on Cisco router or switch using the below packet tracer lab. The configure on a packet tracer lab and real Cisco devices are the same. Just try to learn and do it what the SSH remote authentication needs. ...