Repression usually refers tothe tendency to avoid uncomfortable feelings. You unconsciously push painful feelings, thoughts, or memories out of your consciousness. This lets you forget them. You may do this for fear of damaging your positive self-image. These are unprocessed emotions. Can emotions ...
suppress - control and refrain from showing; of emotions, desires, impulses, or behavior bottle up, inhibit keep back, restrain, hold back, keep - keep under control; keep in check; "suppress a smile"; "Keep your temper"; "keep your cool" quench - electronics: suppress (sparking) when ...
Although the strategic suppression of emotional experiences does not appear to reduce negative emotions, there is evidence that this process ...Behar, E., Vescio, T. K., & Borkovec, T. D. (2005). The effects of suppressing thoughts and images about worrisome and neutral stimuli. Behavior ...
Have you ever lied down to go to sleep at night, then all at once, your thoughts, emotions and feelings come bubbling to the surface? If you are tossing and turning at night and having trouble turning your brain off, it may be because your mind is trying to work through the psychologic...
Everything is energy, and that includes your thoughts and emotions. When you learn to sense your emotions as waves of energy, you have actually changed your consciousness in a wonderfully empowering way. This is because energy is in a constant state of change. When you recognize this fact, ...
Suppression or expression of thoughts about an anxious, depressing or neutral target situation; Statements resulting from the suppression of anxious and depressing targets; Impact on emotions associated with the target situation.RoemerLizabethBorkovec...
We found that metacognitive ease, or fluency, promoted greater disclosure, both in tightly controlled lab studies (Studies 1a, 1b, and 3) and in an ecologically valid on-line field study (Study 4). Disfluency tended to prime thoughts and emotions associated with risk, which might be one ...
Although the strategic suppression of emotional experiences does not appear to reduce negative emotions, there is evidence that this process ...Behar, E., Vescio, T. K., & Borkovec, T. D. (2005). The effects of suppressing thoughts and images about worrisome and neutral stimuli. Behavior ...