An online thought suppression paradigm was developed to test Wegner's (1994) ironic process theory. In two studies, participants were given instructions to concentrate or suppress thoughts from given categories. Semantic activation was indexed by the time taken to name words from the to-be-...
Please do share this article for those are coping with the loss of sex drive or those you think they need it if you find this article effective for your current need. For any question you want to ask me, comments or feedbacks, please leave it below. I’d love to know your own thoug...
【题目】How do we rid ourselves of the negativ e(消极的) thoughts and return to a place of p eace and acceptance? Read on for some expert-guided tips.First, don't suppress (抑制) the negative t hought. "Research shows that it's important n ot to suppress negative thoughts as this...
根据本段标题“First, don’t suppress (抑制) the negative thought.(第一,不要压抑消极的想法。)”和上文“Research shows that it’s important not to suppress negative thoughts as this only makes it worse.(研究表明,不要压抑消极的想法很重要,因为这只会让事情变得更糟。)”可知,我们需要做的是要...
Even though some people 会不惜一切代价避免搭讪 seem to avoid it at all costs. 攀谈是社会的粘合剂 Small talk is the glue that binds us all together 也可以像盔甲般保护我们 and the armor that shields us 免受对方阴暗想法的伤害 from each others darkest thoughts. 如果遇到了朋友 攀谈一下特别...
They do best when they are around people who support them and are willing to listen to their thoughts and feelings. INFPs can really struggle when they are forced to pretend they aren’t upset by something, and will slowly begin to lose connection with who they are. When this happens the...
Learn how to stop overthinking can improve focus 4. Find useful distractions Telling yourself “you shouldn’t think about that” may have the opposite effect (the “don’t think of an elephant” effect). The more you try to suppress those thoughts, the more nagging they become. So, instea...
lack of sleep, anxiety, and other major life changes experiencing intrusive thoughts. Being sad, hungry, or tired can make it harder to resist the temptation to go down these dark thought spirals. Ironically, we know that trying to directly suppress these thoughts can make them occur more of...
seemtoavoiditatallcosts. 攀谈是社会的粘吅剂 Smalltalkisthegluethatbindsusalltogether 也可以像盔甲般保护我们 andthearmorthatshieldsus 免受对方阴暗想法的伤害 fromeachother'sdarkestthoughts. 如果遇到了朊友攀谈一下特别管用 It'susefulwhenyoumeetupwithafriend... ...
This quality may be largely inborn, but there seem to be ways to magnify it, or at least not to suppress it. 有办法增强一个人的独立思考能力吗?我认为有。这种品质可能在很大程度上是天生的,但似乎有办法放大它,或者至少不压制它。 One of the most effective techniques is one practiced ...