网络超级采样抗锯齿 网络释义 1. 超级采样抗锯齿 计算... ... (Special Sizing, 特殊缩放) (Super-Sampling Anti-aliasing,超级采样抗锯齿) (Super South Bridge, 超级南桥芯片) ...|基于22个网页
Super Sampling Anti-Aliasing SSAA算是在众多抗锯齿算法中比较昂贵的一种了,年代也比较久远,但是方法比较简单, 主要概括为两步 1. 查找边缘 2. 模糊边缘 这是一种post processing的处理方法, 接下来我们就看看怎么实现 查找边缘 查找边缘的原因也是因为减少消耗,这样就可以只在边缘处进行超级采样,不必为全图进行...
SSAA 英文缩写SSAA 英文全称Super-Sampling Anti-aliasing 中文解释超级采样抗锯齿 热门英文缩写词 LDP(标签分配协定) L.L.(专线) LMDS(区域多点分散式服务) LMI(局部管理介面) LSC(标签交换电路) LSP(标签交换路径) LSR(标签交换路由器) LTE(线路终端设备)...
A combination of supersample and multisample antialiasing is used where a cluster of sub-pixel samples (multisamples) is processed for each pass through a fragment shader pipeline. The number of shader passes and multisamples in eachcluster can be determined dynamically for each primitive based ...
This sample demonstrates some of the ways in which to reduce scene aliasing without using a post process technique. Methods include multisample antialiasing (MSAA), supersample antialiasing (SSAA) and enhanced quality antialiasing (EQAA).
Scene anti-aliasing is performed in a computer graphics system including a rasterizer (<B>16</B>), a texture mapping subsystem (<B>18</B>) and a frame buffer (<B>24</B>). A supersample image buffer and a single sample image buffer are defined, preferably within the frame buffer. ...
(2)Notes on Anti-Aliasing ·MSAA (Multisample) vs SSAA (Supersampling) MSAA和SSAA是两种不同的反走样方式,SSAA是超采样,也就是说它是真的用更高的分辨率去渲染整个场景,最后再通过降采样的方式去恢复图像的大小和显示器分辨率相同,遮挡然会造成问题,如果一个像素被分成4x4采样点,那么计算量就会增加4倍。
第一步:打开Nvidia控住面板选择里面的管理3D设置选项 第二步:点击添加,选择nba2k16.exe 第三步:Antialiasing - Gamma Correction: "OFF"Antialiasing - Mode: "OFF"Multi-display/mixed-GPU acceleration: "Single Display Performance Mode"Power Management Mode: "Prefer Maximum Performance"Texture...
XeSS is a temporally amortized super-sampling/up-sampling technique that drops in place of the Temporal Anti-Aliasing (TAA) stage in the game renderer, achieving significantly better image quality than current state-of-the-art techniques in games. ...
[0036] FIG. 2 illustrates an example subpixel backward motion vector rendered by game engines. In real-time rendering, each pixel may be a point sample of the underlying high-resolution image when multi-sample antialiasing is disabled, as illustrated in FIG. 2, where the dot at the center...