... OFF Anti-aliasing 抗锯齿关闭 Multisample Anti-Aliasing 样抗锯齿 Background Anti-Aliasing 背景抗锯齿 ... dict.youdao.com|基于4个网页 2. 多取样抗锯齿 ...画质,此技术能让锯齿线条变得极为平滑,远远超出标准多取样抗锯齿(Multisample Anti-Aliasing)所能达到的程度,而且不会 …www.showxiu.com|...
while performing comfortably at a consistent 60 FPS. In some cases there may be no need for anti-aliasing to be used at all e.g. when the target device‟s display has high PPI (pixels per-inch). Performing MSAA becomes more costly when there is an alpha blended edge, resulting...
图形学论文-Multisample anti-aliasing in deferred rendering阿瑜 腾讯科技 员工15 人赞同了该文章 最近在写毕业论文,然后看到知乎上很多争论延迟渲染和MSAA是否可以一起使用的问题。其中有一个人解释的比较透彻 Clawko:延迟渲染与MSAA的那些事561 赞同 · 65 评论文章 可以看看,本文翻译的论文也是来源于此分...
we are presented with the images shown in Figure 9.12. In the leftmost image of Figure 9.12, noantialiasing is applied and we are given jaggies as usual. In the center image, we can see that antialiasing has been applied to the lines, but the result doesn’t look that dissimilar to th...
这是因为直线、多边形、色彩边界等是连续的,而光栅则是由离散的点组成,在光栅显示设备上表现直线、多边形等,必须在离散位置采样。由于采样不充分重建后造成的信息失真,就叫走样(aliasing)。而用于减少或消除这种效果的技术,就称为反走样(antialiasing)。 2. OpenGL反走样的实现...
Multisample anti-aliasing (MSAA) is a type of anti-aliasing, a technique used in computer graphics to improve image quality. The term generally refers to a special case of supersampling. Initial implementations of full-scene anti-aliasing (FSAA) worked conceptually by simply rendering a scene at...
A technique for performing a ray tracing operation for a ray is provided. The method includes performing one or more ray-box intersection tests for the ray against one or more bounding boxes of a bounding volume hierarchy to eliminate one or more nodes of the bounding volume hierarchy from ...
原文地址:http://www.zwqxin.com/archives/opengl/multisample-fbo-antialiasing.html 什么时候需要这样做呢?FBO是离屏渲染手段,而抗锯齿的目的是为了让最终在"屏幕"上显示的内容(或者线条)显得平滑一些,所以只有在FBO里的内容关系到渲染的最终结果时,才有必要,这是大前提;其次,FBO的特点是它设立的“画布”可以无...
什么都不做的话,ChoosePixelFormat就调用原来的,正常工作,只是反走样不生效而已。 效果图 GL_SAMPLES就是重采样数量了,0就是没启用multisample。 参考 [1] Nehe openGL 教程 [2]GLUT + OpenGL multisampling anti aliasing (MSAA) [3]How do I Make Glut’s Multisample Working on Microsoft Windows...
由于采样不充分重建后造成的信息失真,就叫⾛样(aliasing)。⽽⽤于减少或消除这种效果的技术,就称为反⾛样(antialiasing)。2. OpenGL反⾛样的实现 OpengL中的反⾛样采⽤的是融合的技术,来实现点、线和图形的边沿以及雾和颜⾊和纹理的插值运算。OpenGL实现反⾛样需要满⾜两个条件,⼀是启⽤...