Today I have a desk stretching routine that will help relieve the pain and tension in your neck, shoulders and back. These desk stretches counter rounded shoulders, help to correct posture and and even activate your lymphatic system so it can start pumping out toxins better! Here at Primally ...
Perfect for improving flexibility and helping with lower back pain, these morning stretches for energy can be done every day and are suitable for men, women, beginners and seniors.
To help break the cycle of prolonged sitting, experts recommend taking a break to move for one to three minutes every 30 to 45 minutes—or at least once an hour. Bottom line: you need tofind ways to sit less. This break can be simply standing at your desk (or using astanding desk),...
RELATED:5 Standing Desk Stretches to Relieve Stress Now But the benefits of stretching go even further. “There are many factors that can limit or enhance movement, including prior tissue damage,strength, stability around the joint and, of course, flexibility,” saysLisa Wheeler, former vice pres...
Advertisement - Continue Reading Below 13 Figure Four Stretch Targets: outer hip and glute muscles How to do it: Lie on your back and bring your left ankle on top of your right thigh just below the knee. Grab behind your right leg and gently pull your legs toward your chest. Flex the ...
How to do it: Lie faceup with arms at sides, feet flat on the floor, knees bent. Place right ankle on left thigh. Lift hips into a bridge pose, as high as comfortable without arching back, pushing through the left foot to open the left hip and activate the glutes. Hold for 5 to...
The head tilt is a neck and shoulder stretch that can help relieve tension in your trapezius muscles. It’s an easy stretch that you can do at your desk, in the car, or at home. First, relax your shoulders. Let your arms hang naturally at your sides. Then, slowly tilt your head to...
This is a nice rush of blood to the head. Push your chair away from your desk to avoid giving yourself a concussion. Put both feet flat on the floor, interlace your fingers behind your back and straighten out your arms while folding at the waist. Bring the hands over your back and st...
Lie on your back. Keeping a neutral spine, bring your knees to your chest. Flex both feet and bring your soles toward the ceiling, so that your shins are perpendicular to your body. Your knees should bend at 90 degrees. Wrap two fingers of each hand around your big toes, if you can...
Sitting for long periods, such as while working at a desk or driving, can cause your hip flexors to tighten up. This could lead to back or hip pain. Activities that involve repeated leg movements, such as running or biking, could also tighten your hip flexors. ...