Standing might not be the cure-all to the adverse affects of sitting all day at work, as a new study shows it could adversely affect your blood pressure
We often find that even people who've had standing desks for many years are unable extend their standing desk time for very long. Read more > Which Has Greater Impact on Relieving Foot Pain for Standing Workers – Special Shoes or Standing Mats?
IDLENESS IS THE ENEMY: MIX IN MOVEMENTS AND STRETCHES Chan uses a standing desk as do many of her clients, and while she appreciates the benefits, she’s emphatic that a standing desk must not replace walks, stretches and other movement. “For 60 seconds [every...
similar to the kind used in restaurant kitchens and hair salons. It makes standing for longer stretches easier. Each employee at the developmental disabilities board who has a raised desk has one of
office workers should be encouraged to stand to save lives.In academic papers with titles such as, "Your Chair: Comfortable but Deadly," doctors point to surprising new research showing higher rates of diabetes, obesity, heart disease and even mortality among people who sit for long stretches. ...
Based on our study, and other studies in this area, it would seem wise to focus on ways to reduce standing time in certain occupations. In our study, people whose jobs involve standing for long stretches of time included sales and service workers, cooks, food and beverage servers and bank...
Standing desk anthropometry and Ergonomics: Why Should You Care? Knowing how the study of anthropometry, posture, repetitive motion, and workspace design affects the user is critical to proper ergonomic design. Read more > Top 9 Desk Stretches to Do at Your Standing Desk or Treadmill Desk Dev...