定时器中断是比较简单的事情,一般可以使用比较菜的TIM6和TIM7来完成定时器中断的业务。TIM6和TIM7叫Basic Timer,他俩连个输出的channel都没有,最适合做这个工作了。 可以看到TIM6和TIM7是挂载在APB1总线上的,于是TIM6和TIM7的内部时钟频率就是APB1总线的频率,不过还有一点区别。 从cubeMX展示的时钟树上可以发现...
extern void touchgfx_signalVSynTimer(void); extern gTask_BitDef gTaskStateBit; //任务执行过程中使用到的标志位 volatile uint8_t gRX3_BufF[1]; //串口3-wifi模组接收到的数据 /* USER CODE END PFP */ 在Private user code的BEGIN与END之间增加半主机模式的设置与外部存储器测试。 /* Private user...
STM32入门篇之通用定时器彻底研究(新手教程,含11个例程,全面剖析TIMER,另外有个2.0库的 Alientek STM32 《不完全手册V2.0》+37个实验源码+原理图(申请置酷) STM32 移植FreeModbus 详细过程 回报ourDEV 液晶资料大放送!超多液晶资料集【恢复】 STM32 深入浅出 (新手必看) 123 / 3 页下一页...
*/USER CODE END 2 */ /* USER CODE BEGIN WHILE */ while (1) { /* USER CODE END WHILE */ /* USER CODE BEGIN 3 */ if (tmp1 == 0) { duty = 0; freq = 0; } else { duty = tmp2 * 100.0f / tmp1 + 0.5f; /*tmp1前后需要各加1,及tmp+2*/ freq = 72000000.0f / (tmp...
here there is a the code on witch i've found the bug: #include<Arduino.h>HardwareTimer *FCT;//FCT Frequency Counter Timervolatileuint32_tcaptureOld =0, capture;volatileuint32_tperiod;volatileboolnewMeas =false;voidIC_Callback(){ capture = FCT->getCaptureCompare(LL_TIM_CHANNEL_CH1); Seria...
For most of the applicative examples provided, more than one timer feature is used to carry out a well-defined application usage. However each example also puts more focus on a particular feature of the STM32 general-purpose-timer peripherals. ...
Support for task IDs and Control Points for error handling and watchdog timer Support for Local Task Storage pointer (allowing use of same callback code for multiple tasks) Support for layered task prioritization Support forstd::functions(tested onESPxandSTM32only) ...
precisely based on the TIM1 output compare. This will require an O-scope to view properly (or a buzzer/speaker, it’s about 7.15 KHz). Also, note that stepping through this code with the debugger might be problematic because the debugger and the timer peripherals...
原理和实现机制, HAL库https://deepbluembedded.com/stm32-pwm-example-timer-pwm-mode-tutorial/ 使用std periph库实现的,包含代码讲解https://thecodeprogram.com/stm32f4-timers-and-pwm-generation-with-std-periph 使用L293控制马达转速和方向, 用一个按键切换方向, 用三个按键输出不同的PWM占空比https://www...
for the timer clears the 'bouncing' flag. With those interrupts (GPIOs and TIM2), the main loop does nothing until (!bouncing & pending), in which case it scans the rows, identify the key that has been pressed/released, sends its code via the USART and finally clears the...