STM32 timer configuration parameter TIM_Period is the value to be placed in the automatic reload register when the timer is configured.TIM_Prescaler is used to set the prescaler.The clock after dividing is the clock of timer.The third parameter is TIM_CKD_DIV which is not used when the clo...
第三种操作方式【了解即可】 ,就是读写STM32中的“位带”区域,这个位带的作用就跟51单片机的位寻址作用差不多,在STM32中,专门分配的有一段地址区域,这段地址映射了RAM和外设寄存器所有的位,读写这段地址中的数据,就相当于读写所映射位置的某一位,这就是位带的操作方式,这个方式我们本课程暂时不会用到。我们...
7 /* Time base configuration */ 8 TIM_TimeBaseStructure.TIM_Period = 0xFFFFFFFF; //自动重装载寄存器的值 TIM2/TIM5定时器是32位计数器,计数器从0开始计数 9 TIM_TimeBaseStructure.TIM_Prescaler = (uint16_t) ((SystemCoreClock / 2) / 1000000) - 1; //预分频器从0开始计数,180M/2-1 = 8...
TIM_TimeBaseInit(TIM1, &TIM_TimeBaseStructure); // Time base configuration TIM_ETRClockMode2Config(TIM1, TIM_ExtTRGPSC_OFF, TIM_ExtTRGPolarity_NonInverted, 0); TIM_SetCounter(TIM1, 0); TIM_Cmd(TIM1, ENABLE); } void TIM2_Configuration(void) //只用一个外部脉冲端口 { TIM_TimeBaseIni...
在左侧的 System Core 下拉菜单中选择 GPIO,然后在 GPIO Mode and Configuration 中对 PA8 引脚进行配置,GPIO mode 代表 GPIO 引脚模式,在这里设置为输入模式;GPIO Pull-up/Pull-down 即 GPIO 上拉或下拉,根据硬件实际情况,在这里设置为上拉;User Label 即用户标签,因为 PA8 在这里的功能是识别按键,所以输入...
Configuration of a General Purpose Timer: TIM3 Clock the target timer: TIM3 Initialize TIM3 with the structure "TIM_TimeBaseInitTypeDef TIM_TimeBaseInitStruct;" Set up the interrupt generation type (TIM_ITConfig(TIM3, TIM_IT_Update, ENABLE);) ...
// Commit the trigger configuration HAL_TIM_SlaveConfigSynchronization(&rcPwmInTimer, &TIM_SlaveConfig); // Now start input capture HAL_TIM_IC_Start_IT(&rcPwmInTimer, TIM_CHANNEL_1); } extern ''C'' void TIM14_IRQHandler() { // Determine where this interrupt came from if (__HAL_TIM...
param[in] none param[out] none retval none */ void timer5_init(void) {/* TIMER5 configuration: generate 1ms SystemCoreClock =72MHZ TIMER1CLK = SystemCoreClock / 72= 1MHz */ timer_parameter_struct timer_initpara; //定时器参数 // 时钟使能 ...
void DMA_Configuration(void);void USART1_Configuration(void);//int fputc(int ch, FILE *f);int...