答案是:阶梯设计(the stepped-wedge design) 阶梯设计多用于整群随机试验,评价“利大于弊”的干预措施,尤其在健康教育、免疫接种、筛检、医护人员培训等领域使用较多。这种设计通常不设置专门的对照组,随着试验的进行,各个组都会按照随机结果先后接受这种干预措施。这样就...
This paper studies model-based and design-based approaches for the analysis of data arising from a stepped wedge randomized design. Specifically, for different scenarios we compare robustness, efficiency, Type I error rate under the null hypothesis, and power under the alternative hypothesis for the...
In Section 2 we describe a trial being conducted in Washington state that uses a stepped wedge design. This motivating example provides a context for the theoretical and simulation results shown in Section 3 where we describe statistical aspects of the design and analysis of stepped wedge CRTs. ...
The analysis of data from such a design involves the comparison of the intervention “wedge” (i.e., data from the clusters that have received the intervention during a step) with the control wedge... ... Access to the complete content on Oxford Reference requires a subscription or purchas...
Stepped wedge trials are randomized trials in which each randomization unit first receives the control condition and then crosses over to receive the intervention. However, the time at which the intervention is provided to each unit is randomized. Stepped wedge trials may be either individually or ...
In contrast, there is little research available pertaining to the design and analysis of multi-arm stepped-wedge cluster randomized trials, utilized to evaluate the effectiveness of multiple experimental interventions. In this paper, we address this by explaining how the required sample size in these...
The use of Stepped Wedge cluster randomized trials: Systematic Review Dr Celia Taylor The University of Birmingham On behalf of my co-authors: Noreen Mdege, Mei-See Man and David Torgerson (University of York) Today’s presentation What is a stepped wedge design? What are the advantages and...
In a stepped wedge, cluster randomised trial, clusters receive the intervention at different time points, and the order in which they received it is randomised. Previous systematic reviews of stepped wedge trials have documented a steady rise in their use between 1987 and 2010, which was attribute...
The study employs a stepped-wedge cluster-randomised controlled community trial design in 16 communities over fivemonthly visits. During each visit, we will collect data on participants' source of drinking and cooking water and measure the salinity level and electrical conductivity of household stored ...
O2 Stepped wedge trials with non-uniform correlation structure Andrew Forbes, Karla Hemming O3 Challenges and solutions for the operationalisation of the ENHANCE study: a pilot stepped wedge trial within a general practice setting Sarah A Lawton, Emma Healey, Martyn Lewis, Elaine Nicholls, Clare Jink...