答案是:阶梯设计(the stepped-wedge design) 阶梯设计多用于整群随机试验,评价“利大于弊”的干预措施,尤其在健康教育、免疫接种、筛检、医护人员培训等领域使用较多。这种设计通常不设置专门的对照组,随着试验的进行,各个组都会按照随机结果先后接受这种干预措施。这样就...
Acute Kidney InjuryStep Wedge DesignStep Wedge TrialStep Wedge ClusterClosed CohortKarla Hemming, Monica Taljaard, Andrew Forbesdoi:10.1186/s13063-016-1436-8Mona KanaanNoreen Dadirai MdegeAda KedingRA ParkerN. MillsA. Shah…Trials
The study design consists of a hybrid before-and-after and stepped wedge trial design. The stepped wedge component enables us to make cross-sectional comparisons as well as within-site comparisons; the before-and-after component allows us to completely adjust for seasonal effects and evaluate the...
Comprehensive literature review of studies or protocols using a stepped wedge design. Data were extracted from the studies in three categories for subsequent consideration: study information (epidemiology, intervention, number of participants), reasons for using a stepped wedge design and methods of data...
The stepped wedge design is particularly useful when it is not feasible to provide the intervention to everyone or every community at once, and for evaluating the effectiveness of interventions that have been shown to be efficacious in a more limited, research setting and are now being scaled up...
Stepped wedge trials (SWTs) are a type of cluster-randomized trial that are commonly used to evaluate health care interventions. Most SWT-related software packages have restrictive assumptions about the study design and correlation structure of the data. The objective of this paper is to present a...
Study 1 was a qualitative study to identify school constraints that inform the choice of stepped wedge configuration. Study 2 used simulation to choose a configuration that balanced these school constraints and statistical properties. Study 3 explored the statistical power for the chosen design for ...
The analysis of data from such a design involves the comparison of the intervention “wedge” (i.e., data from the clusters that have received the intervention during a step) with the control wedge... ... Access to the complete content on Oxford Reference requires a subscription or purchas...
Data on outcomes routinely collected in the electronic patient records were not accessible during the study, and appeared to be often missing during analyses. The stepped wedge, cluster randomized trial poses specific risks in the design and execution of research in real-life settings of which ...
We sought to optimise the design of stepped wedge trials with an equal allocation of clusters to sequences and explored sample size comparisons with alternative trial designs. We developed a new expression for the design effect for a stepped wedge trial, assuming that observations are equally correl...