convert_to = {district_mining_uncapped}resources = {category = planet_districtscost = {minerals = @base_cost}upkeep = {energy = 1}}planet_modifier = {planet_housing_add = 2}triggered_planet_modifier = {potential = {exists = ownerowner = {has_valid_civic = civic_agrarian_idyll}}modifier...
resources Show stats for resources – reverse_diplo Sends a diplomatic command from the target to the player. [diplo] [id] run Runs the specified file with list of commands. The file should be placed in the root Stellaris folder in your My Documents. The file must be called ‘[insert fil...
What this means is that it will show you unexploited resources in your own and unclaimed systems, but hide resources that are either already being exploited by you or are inaccessible to you due to being inside another empire's borders. It will show you planets you are able to colonize, ...
All Fallout: New Vegas console commands and cheats Because there are so many console commands, we're going to break them down into general categories to make it easier for you to find what you're looking for based on what you want to do. Faction and reputation cheats addreputation <varia...
These can respawn from the Base Game, all DLC, and any mods that add archaeological sites. Respawning Every 5 years the game will now attempt to respawn archaeological sites, provided their spawn conditions are met. These can respawn anywhere in the galaxy, in both player and AI controlled sp...
Range increased from 8 to 10Barrier Point-DefenseAccuracy reduced from 40% to 30%Range increased from 8 to 10Guardian Point-DefenseRange increased from 8 to 10Resources[edit]Doubled the spawn rate of Garanthium Ore, Lythuric Gas, Engos Vapor, Teldar Crystals, Pitharan Dust, Orillium Ore ...
You might be asking yourself inStellaris when to colonize? Very often if there’s a nice-looking planet you like the looks of but don’t have the resources to colonize you’ll only have one option. Expand your borders to encompass that planet to keep it safe and ready for you to coloni...
Roughly 20 years before the events of the story kicked off, I recovered the Surveyor relic from the Ancient Mining Drones and used it to pack my tiny region of space full of resources. Before the HFE collapsed, Alaria was a prospectorium under it, so my raw resource output allowed me to...
• 在使用单个数字的效果中作为数值使用,例如“add_experience = my_variable” • As a multiplier parameter in triggered resource tables (e.g. in a building) • 作为已触发的资源表中的乘子参数(例如在某个建筑中): resources = { category = planet_buildings ...
This command will copy the population with the specified ID to the planet that you currently have selected. Examples, Generator & More copy_pop <Population ID> Copy Command Copy Full resources This command prints resource statistics to the console. Examples, Generator & More resources Copy ...